Cyrraedd ysgolion – Gwasanaethau Iechyd Meddwl Plant a’r Glasoed (CAMHS)
Gail, Steve & Tor of the CAMHS Schools In-reach Team | Gail, Steve a Tor o dîm Gwasanaeth Allgymorth CAMHS Powys |
by | gan Gail Morris
Powys CAMHS Schools In-Reach Team Lead
Arweinydd Tîm Mewngymorth Ysgolion Powys CAMHS
“There was evidence before the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) In-Reach to Schools Pilot programme that mental health difficulties, such as feeling low, had increased in Wales, for example:
- The proportion of 15 year old boys reporting feeling low more than once a week increased from less than 10 per cent in 2009 to 15 per cent in 2014; and
- The proportion of 15 year old girls reporting feeling low more than once a week increased from less than 22 per cent in 2009 to 30 per cent in 2014 (Public Health Wales, 2016).”
Datblygwyd Gwasanaeth Mewngymorth i Ysgolion CAMHS Powys (Gwasanaethau Iechyd Meddwl Plant a’r Glasoed) o gyfarwyddyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar ôl i sawl adroddiad amlygu pryderon bod iechyd meddwl a lles disgyblion yn dirywio ledled Cymru. Roedd yn dilyn ymlaen o werthusiad o gynllun peilot a gynhaliwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn 2021, lle cynigiodd ymarferydd penodedig ymgynghoriad a hyfforddiant yn ymwneud ag iechyd a lles emosiynol.
“Roedd tystiolaeth gan gyn rhaglen Beilot Mewngymorth i Ysgolion Gwasanaethau Iechyd Meddwl Plant a’r Glasoed (CAMHS) fod anawsterau iechyd meddwl, megis teimlo’n isel, wedi cynyddu yng Nghymru, er enghraifft:
“Roedd tystiolaeth gan gyn rhaglen Beilot Mewngymorth i Ysgolion Gwasanaethau Iechyd Meddwl Plant a’r Glasoed (CAMHS) fod anawsterau iechyd meddwl, megis teimlo’n isel, wedi cynyddu yng Nghymru, er enghraifft:
- Roedd cyfran y bechgyn 15 oed sy'n dweud eu bod yn teimlo'n isel fwy nag unwaith yr wythnos wedi cynyddu o lai na 10 y cant yn 2009 i 15 y cant yn 2014; a
- Roedd cyfran y merched 15 oed a nododd eu bod yn teimlo'n isel fwy nag unwaith yr wythnos wedi cynyddu o lai na 22 y cant yn 2009 i 30 y cant yn 2014 (Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, 2016)."
The pilot was undertaken between 2018 - 2020. During this time involvement relating to staff wellbeing was also offered, but on evaluation it was identified this was best delivered in a corporate response, therefore provided by the employer. Like many new and existing initiatives, the Covid-19 pandemic affected the delivery across all of Wales of the pilot service, and how it was evaluated. Schools in South Powys were involved in the pilot.
The Welsh Government’s final evaluation was completed in 2021 and it was decided that services would be rolled out across all health boards in Wales.
“Evidence suggests that (the pilot) has made important contributions to improving staff skills and confidence; access to specialist advice, liaison and consultation; and to improving staff mental health and well-being, which all support Whole-School Approaches to Mental Health and Well-being (Welsh Government, 2021)”.
Evaluation of the Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHs) In-Reach to Schools Pilot Programme: Final Report
Cafodd y peilot ei gynnal rhwng 2018 - 2020. Yn ystod y cyfnod hwn cynigiwyd ymwneud â lles staff hefyd, ond ar werthuso nodwyd mai'r ffordd orau i gyflwyno hynny oedd mewn ymateb corfforaethol, wedi’i ddarparu gan y cyflogwr. Fel llawer o fentrau newydd a rhai cyfredol, effeithiodd pandemig Covid-19 ar y ddarpariaeth ym mhob rhan o Gymru lle darparwyd y gwasanaeth peilot, a hefyd sut y cafodd ei werthuso. Roedd ysgolion yn Ne Powys yn rhan o'r cynllun peilot.
Cwblhawyd gwerthusiad terfynol Llywodraeth Cymru yn 2021 a phenderfynwyd y byddai gwasanaethau'n cael eu cyflwyno ar draws holl fyrddau iechyd Cymru.
" Awgryma'r dystiolaeth fod (y peilot) wedi gwneud cyfraniadau pwysig at wella sgiliau a hyder staff; mynediad at gyngor, cyswllt ac ymgynghori arbenigol; ac i wella iechyd meddwl a lles staff, a fydd yn cefnogi Dulliau Ysgol Gyfan at Iechyd Meddwl a Llesiant (Llywodraeth Cymru, 2021)".
Gwerthusiad o Raglen Beilot Mewngymorth y Gwasanaethau Iechyd Meddwl Plant a’r Glasoed (CAMHS) i Ysgolion: Adroddiad Terfynol
Powys CAMHS Schools In-Reach Service | Tîm Mewngymorth Ysgolion Powys CAMHS
Since March 2022 the Powys CAMHS In-Reach Service has been in a period of development, which has included recruitment, staff training, development of a service leaflet, procedures and processes, and raising awareness within internal and external agencies.
There were 12 recommendations made in the Final Evaluation of the pilot by the Welsh Government 2021. These have been benchmarked with external partners to ascertain and initially position and identify where the focus of priorities should be. This has provided a reassuring position for the initial assessment.
Ers mis Mawrth 2022 mae Gwasanaeth Mewngymorth Powys CAMHS wedi bod yn cymryd rhan mewn cyfnod o ddatblygu, sydd wedi cynnwys recriwtio, hyfforddi staff, datblygu taflen wasanaeth, gweithdrefnau a phrosesau, a chodi ymwybyddiaeth o fewn asiantaethau mewnol ac allanol.
Cafodd 12 o argymhellion eu gwneud yng Ngwerthusiad Terfynol y peilot gan Lywodraeth Cymru 2021. Mae'r rhain wedi'u meincnodi gyda phartneriaid allanol i ganfod a hefyd i ddechrau pennu a nodi lle y dylai ffocws y blaenoriaethau fod. Mae hyn wedi rhoi lle calonogol i'r asesiad cychwynnol.
Mae'r gwasanaeth newydd yn cyd-fynd â gwasanaethau CAMHS eraill, a'i fwriad yw bod yn wasanaeth adnabod ac ymyrraeth gynnar, gan roi'r sgiliau i staff yn yr ysgol nodi ac ymateb yn amserol i faterion mewn ymateb Dull Ysgol Gyfan. Mae hyn yn golygu bod plant a phobl ifanc yn cael eu cefnogi gyda'u hiechyd a'u lles emosiynol gan rywun sy'n eu hadnabod.
Mae Grŵp Gorchwyl a Gorffen yn rhan o'r gwaith o ddatblygu Gweithdrefn Weithredol Safonol yn ymwneud â natur a chwmpas y gwasanaeth, sy'n cynnwys rhanddeiliaid allweddol mewnol ac allanol. Mae ymarferwyr wedi bod yn cysylltu ag ysgolion y maent yn cael eu neilltuo iddynt, ac mae ymarferion cwmpasu wedi digwydd gydag ysgolion i ddeall beth yw eu gwybodaeth bresennol am y gwasanaeth, a'r hyn y mae eu hanghenion a nodwyd yn ymwneud ag iechyd a lles emosiynol yn yr ysgol y gellir eu cefnogi gan Wasanaeth Mewngymorth Ysgolion Powys CAMHS.
The team are also represented on subgroups of the Powys Emotional Workstream (which contributes towards supporting good emotional health and wellbeing for Children and Young people across Powys) platforms, including exam stress, bereavement, and peer support, and work regularly with partners from health, education, social care, Youth Services and the voluntary sector.
We support external partners with issues of significance to support children, young people and staff in school. Initiatives such as the wellbeing tent at the Royal Welsh Show support and promote wellbeing with partners.
Cynrychiolir y tîm hefyd ar is-grwpiau Llif Gwaith Emosiynol Powys (sy'n cyfrannu at gefnogi iechyd a lles emosiynol da i Blant a Phobl Ifanc ar draws Powys), gan gynnwys straen arholiadau, profedigaeth, a chefnogaeth gan gyfoedion, ac maent yn gweithio'n rheolaidd gyda phartneriaid o iechyd, addysg, Gofal Cymdeithasol, Gwasanaethau Ieuenctid a'r sector gwirfoddol.
Rydym yn cefnogi partneriaid allanol sydd â phroblemau o arwyddocâd i gefnogi plant, pobl ifanc a staff yn yr ysgol. Mae mentrau fel y babell les yn y Sioe Frenhinol yn cefnogi ac yn hybu lles gyda phartneriaid.
The Powys CAMHS School In-Reach team | Tîm Gwasanaeth Allgymorth CAMHS Powys
The team is currently staffed with a team leader and 3 full-time equivalent posts, whilst an administrator post is currently being advertised and shortly a psychology post. There are plans to develop the team further with additional support roles.
This team has the potential to develop processes in schools to empower and enable staff to identify, in an early intervention approach, children and young people who may be experiencing issues with their emotional health and wellbeing. They are in a privileged position to undertake this. As the staffing complement in the team is built upon, this may give opportunity for the scope of the service to develop so that there is face to face support offered to children and young people, in an early intervention response.
You can read the full Evaluation of the pilot project HERE.
Ar hyn o bryd mae'r tîm yn cael ei staffio gan arweinydd tîm a 3 swydd gyfatebol llawn amser, tra bod swydd gweinyddwr yn cael ei hysbysebu ar hyn o bryd a chyn bo hir swydd seicoleg hefyd. Mae cynlluniau ar y gweill i ddatblygu'r tîm ymhellach gyda rolau cymorth ychwanegol.
Mae gan y tîm hwn y potensial i ddatblygu prosesau mewn ysgolion i rymuso a galluogi staff i adnabod, a defnyddio dull ymyrraeth gynnar, gyda phlant a phobl ifanc a allai fod yn dioddef problemau gyda'u hiechyd a'u lles emosiynol. Maent mewn sefyllfa freintiedig i ymgymryd â hyn. Wrth i'r gwaith o adeiladu tim o staff ddatblygu, allai hyn roi cyfle i sgôp y gwasanaeth ddatblygu fel bod cefnogaeth wyneb yn wyneb yn cael ei gynnig i blant a phobl ifanc, a hynny fel ymateb ymyrraeth gynnar.
Gallwch ddarllen gwerthusiad llawn y prosiect peilot YMA.
Since March 2022 the Powys CAMHS In-Reach Service has been in a period of development, which has included recruitment, staff training, development of a service leaflet, procedures and processes, and raising awareness within internal and external agencies.
The CAMHS Schools-In Reach team at Powys Teaching Health Board | Tîm Gwasanaeth Allgymorth CAMHS Powys |
There were 12 recommendations made in the Final Evaluation of the pilot by the Welsh Government 2021. These have been benchmarked with external partners to ascertain and initially position and identify where the focus of priorities should be. This has provided a reassuring position for the initial assessment.
The new service is aligned to other CAMHS services and is designed to be an early identification and intervention service, providing staff in school with the skills to identify and respond timely to issues in a Whole School Approach response. This means that children and young people are supported with their emotional health and wellbeing by someone who knows them.
There is a Task and Finish Group involved in developing a Standard Operational Procedure relating to the nature and scope of the service, involving internal and external key stakeholders. Practitioners have been contacting schools to which they are assigned, and scoping has occurred with schools to understand what their existing knowledge is of the service, and what their identified needs relating to emotional health and wellbeing are in school that can be supported by the Powys CAMHS School In-Reach Service.
There is a Task and Finish Group involved in developing a Standard Operational Procedure relating to the nature and scope of the service, involving internal and external key stakeholders. Practitioners have been contacting schools to which they are assigned, and scoping has occurred with schools to understand what their existing knowledge is of the service, and what their identified needs relating to emotional health and wellbeing are in school that can be supported by the Powys CAMHS School In-Reach Service.
Cafodd 12 o argymhellion eu gwneud yng Ngwerthusiad Terfynol y peilot gan Lywodraeth Cymru 2021. Mae'r rhain wedi'u meincnodi gyda phartneriaid allanol i ganfod a hefyd i ddechrau pennu a nodi lle y dylai ffocws y blaenoriaethau fod. Mae hyn wedi rhoi lle calonogol i'r asesiad cychwynnol.
Mae'r gwasanaeth newydd yn cyd-fynd â gwasanaethau CAMHS eraill, a'i fwriad yw bod yn wasanaeth adnabod ac ymyrraeth gynnar, gan roi'r sgiliau i staff yn yr ysgol nodi ac ymateb yn amserol i faterion mewn ymateb Dull Ysgol Gyfan. Mae hyn yn golygu bod plant a phobl ifanc yn cael eu cefnogi gyda'u hiechyd a'u lles emosiynol gan rywun sy'n eu hadnabod.
Mae Grŵp Gorchwyl a Gorffen yn rhan o'r gwaith o ddatblygu Gweithdrefn Weithredol Safonol yn ymwneud â natur a chwmpas y gwasanaeth, sy'n cynnwys rhanddeiliaid allweddol mewnol ac allanol. Mae ymarferwyr wedi bod yn cysylltu ag ysgolion y maent yn cael eu neilltuo iddynt, ac mae ymarferion cwmpasu wedi digwydd gydag ysgolion i ddeall beth yw eu gwybodaeth bresennol am y gwasanaeth, a'r hyn y mae eu hanghenion a nodwyd yn ymwneud ag iechyd a lles emosiynol yn yr ysgol y gellir eu cefnogi gan Wasanaeth Mewngymorth Ysgolion Powys CAMHS.
Support for children and young people | Cymorth i blant a phobl ifanc
If a child or young person is considered in need of support the school makes a referral which is responded to in 5 working days. The consultation should take place within 10 working days. Consultation can be with identity shared, with consent from the parents/young person, or anonymously if not.
All schools have been assigned a practitioner and independent schools in Powys have also been made aware of the service. Staff training relates to Youth Mental Health First Aid, which staff in the team are trained to deliver virtually, and colleagues in Primary Mental Health are trained to deliver face to face. All training can be booked on Eventbrite.
If a child or young person is considered in need of support the school makes a referral which is responded to in 5 working days. The consultation should take place within 10 working days. Consultation can be with identity shared, with consent from the parents/young person, or anonymously if not.
All schools have been assigned a practitioner and independent schools in Powys have also been made aware of the service. Staff training relates to Youth Mental Health First Aid, which staff in the team are trained to deliver virtually, and colleagues in Primary Mental Health are trained to deliver face to face. All training can be booked on Eventbrite.
Furthermore, the team are responding to themes and trends and are developing packages for both school staff and children and young people; these include some existing resources involving resilience and anxiety, and new ones that have been developed including - eating disorders, exam stress, LGBT, self-harm, social media and resilience.
Os ystyrir bod plentyn neu berson ifanc angen cymorth, mae'r ysgol yn gwneud atgyfeiriad a ymatebir iddo mewn 5 niwrnod gwaith. Dylai'r ymgynghoriad gael ei gynnal o fewn 10 niwrnod gwaith. Gall ymgynghoriad gael ei gynnig wrth rannu manylion adnabod gyda chaniatâd y rhieni/person ifanc, neu os na yn ddienw.
Mae ymarferydd wedi’i neilltuo i bob ysgol ac mae ysgolion annibynnol ym Mhowys hefyd wedi cael gwybod am y gwasanaeth. Mae hyfforddiant staff yn ymwneud â Chymorth Cyntaf Iechyd Meddwl Ieuenctid, pa staff yn y tîm sydd wedi'u hyfforddi i'w darparu'n rhithiol, ac mae cydweithwyr mewn Iechyd Meddwl Sylfaenol yn cael eu hyfforddi i ddarparu wyneb yn wyneb. Gellir archebu'r holl hyfforddiant ar Eventbrite.
Mae ymarferydd wedi’i neilltuo i bob ysgol ac mae ysgolion annibynnol ym Mhowys hefyd wedi cael gwybod am y gwasanaeth. Mae hyfforddiant staff yn ymwneud â Chymorth Cyntaf Iechyd Meddwl Ieuenctid, pa staff yn y tîm sydd wedi'u hyfforddi i'w darparu'n rhithiol, ac mae cydweithwyr mewn Iechyd Meddwl Sylfaenol yn cael eu hyfforddi i ddarparu wyneb yn wyneb. Gellir archebu'r holl hyfforddiant ar Eventbrite.
Yn ogystal, mae'r tîm yn ymateb i themâu a thueddiadau ac yn datblygu pecynnau ar gyfer staff ysgolion a phlant a phobl ifanc; mae'r rhain yn cynnwys rhai adnoddau cyfredol sy'n ymwneud â gwytnwch a gofid, a rhai newydd sydd wedi eu datblygu gan gynnwys - anhwylderau bwyta, straen arholiadau, LHDT, hunan-niweidio, cyfryngau cymdeithasol a gwytnwch.
Gail and Steve at the Royal Welsh Show 2022 | Gail a Steve yn Sioe Frenhinol Cymru 2022 |
Partnership working | Gweithio mewn partneriaeth
We support external partners with issues of significance to support children, young people and staff in school. Initiatives such as the wellbeing tent at the Royal Welsh Show support and promote wellbeing with partners.
Cynrychiolir y tîm hefyd ar is-grwpiau Llif Gwaith Emosiynol Powys (sy'n cyfrannu at gefnogi iechyd a lles emosiynol da i Blant a Phobl Ifanc ar draws Powys), gan gynnwys straen arholiadau, profedigaeth, a chefnogaeth gan gyfoedion, ac maent yn gweithio'n rheolaidd gyda phartneriaid o iechyd, addysg, Gofal Cymdeithasol, Gwasanaethau Ieuenctid a'r sector gwirfoddol.
Rydym yn cefnogi partneriaid allanol sydd â phroblemau o arwyddocâd i gefnogi plant, pobl ifanc a staff yn yr ysgol. Mae mentrau fel y babell les yn y Sioe Frenhinol yn cefnogi ac yn hybu lles gyda phartneriaid.
The Powys CAMHS School In-Reach team | Tîm Gwasanaeth Allgymorth CAMHS Powys
The team is currently staffed with a team leader and 3 full-time equivalent posts, whilst an administrator post is currently being advertised and shortly a psychology post. There are plans to develop the team further with additional support roles.
This team has the potential to develop processes in schools to empower and enable staff to identify, in an early intervention approach, children and young people who may be experiencing issues with their emotional health and wellbeing. They are in a privileged position to undertake this. As the staffing complement in the team is built upon, this may give opportunity for the scope of the service to develop so that there is face to face support offered to children and young people, in an early intervention response.
You can read the full Evaluation of the pilot project HERE.
Ar hyn o bryd mae'r tîm yn cael ei staffio gan arweinydd tîm a 3 swydd gyfatebol llawn amser, tra bod swydd gweinyddwr yn cael ei hysbysebu ar hyn o bryd a chyn bo hir swydd seicoleg hefyd. Mae cynlluniau ar y gweill i ddatblygu'r tîm ymhellach gyda rolau cymorth ychwanegol.
Mae gan y tîm hwn y potensial i ddatblygu prosesau mewn ysgolion i rymuso a galluogi staff i adnabod, a defnyddio dull ymyrraeth gynnar, gyda phlant a phobl ifanc a allai fod yn dioddef problemau gyda'u hiechyd a'u lles emosiynol. Maent mewn sefyllfa freintiedig i ymgymryd â hyn. Wrth i'r gwaith o adeiladu tim o staff ddatblygu, allai hyn roi cyfle i sgôp y gwasanaeth ddatblygu fel bod cefnogaeth wyneb yn wyneb yn cael ei gynnig i blant a phobl ifanc, a hynny fel ymateb ymyrraeth gynnar.
Gallwch ddarllen gwerthusiad llawn y prosiect peilot YMA.
Many thanks to Gail for telling us more about this excellent initiative to support the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people in Powys.
If you want to find out more you can email:
Find out more about the Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service provided by
Diolch yn fawr i Gail am ddweud mwy wrthym am y fenter ardderchog hon i gefnogi iechyd meddwl a lles plant a phobl ifanc ym Mhowys.
Os ydych chi eisiau darganfod mwy, gallwch e-bostio:
Darganfod mwy am y Gwasanaeth Iechyd Meddwl Plant a’r Glasoed a ddarperir gan Fwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys.
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