The theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week
9 - 15 May 2022 is Loneliness
The Mental Health Foundation, the charity which has hosted the annual Mental Health Awareness Week since 2000, explains why Loneliness is the chosen theme:
“Loneliness affects millions of people in the UK every year and is a key driver of poor mental health. The Foundation’s Mental Health in the Pandemic research has found that loneliness has been exacerbated by the Covid pandemic. The Foundation has been tracking loneliness levels in the UK during the pandemic and found the experience has been much higher with devastating impact. Loneliness has been an important factor contributing to higher levels of distress, resulting from people’s sense of isolation and reduced ability to connect with others. Further polling also found that loneliness was one of the leading issues that the public felt needed to be addressed.”
“Our connection to other people and our community is fundamental to protecting our mental health so we must find better ways of tackling the epidemic of loneliness.”
Mark Rowland, Chief Executive of the Mental Health Foundation
Powys Connected Communities: Loneliness & Isolation Fund 2021 - 24
Here in Powys colleagues at Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations identified similar issues earlier this year and in response launched the Connected Communities: Loneliness & Isolation Fund 2021 - 24. This grant scheme focuses on funding organisations “providing locally tailored responses and small scale community-based support.” The emphasis is on “building the capability and sustainability of grassroots voluntary and community organisations that bring people of all ages together”.
In this blog post we look at some of the projects that have been funded in Powys by this scheme. It’s still early days but it gives a feel for how grassroots organisations are stepping in to address “the epidemic of loneliness” which has been identified by the Mental Health Foundation.
CARAD is an organisation run by enthusiastic volunteers who love working with others and love Mid Wales. If you would like to share or learn practical skills, or have an interest in local stories, we have a new project which you would be welcome to join us in creating. Rhayader Museum is changing into TimeScape Rhayader and will have two new floors of activities and exhibits to experience.
Ennyn Cymru - Circles of Connection / Cylchoedd Cyswllt
We are looking forward to delivering in-person wellbeing sessions for young females across the age span of 9 - 16, with the aim of supporting them in their transition into and through adolescence.
Sessions will involve learning about the bodily changes that occur during puberty, and provide a space for discussion, as well as activities such as yoga, arts & crafts, games and relaxation. The purpose of these session is to create a safe space for young females to gather together to socialise, connect and build relationships with each other, as well as to address the isolation that can be felt when journeying through puberty and trying to navigate topics such as menstruation, that are still taboo. We hope these sessions will empower and support our future generation.
The project will be provided by Ennyn CIC and delivered by Sian Davies.
Ennyn CIC is a community Interest company run by the artists Nicky Arscott and Elin Crowley, that offers creative and educational workshops, activities and opportunities for children, young people and adults in the Machynlleth area.
The wellbeing sessions will be run by Sian Davies, who offers creative menstrual awareness and educational workshops for menstruators and menstruators-to-be to learn about the menstrual cycle and menstrual wellbeing. Sian is passionate about tackling the shame and taboo that exists around the topics of puberty and menstruation, and the feelings of loneliness and isolation that can often arise from it. She hopes for a future where young people are supported in building a positive relationship with their bodies, and feel empowered in their transition in to and through adolescence.
Rydym yn edrych ymlaen i gynnig sesiynau wyneb yn wyneb i ferchaid ifanc oedran 9-16, gyda’r bwriad o’u cefnogi nhw yn eu trawsnewidiad i mewn i a thrwy’r glasoed.
Bydd y sesiynau yn cynnwys dysgu am newidiadau yn y corff yn ystod y glasoed, ac yn cynnig gofod i drafodaeth a gweithgareddau megis ioga, celf a chrefft, gemau ac ymlacio. Pwrpas y seisynau yw i greu gofod diogel i ferchaid ifanc i ymgynyll i gymdeithasu, cysylltu ac adeiladu perthnasau gyda’u gilydd, yn ogystal a chyfeirio at yr ynysu sy’n gallu digwydd tra’n symud trwy’r glasoed. Bydd y sesiynau yn cyfeirio at bynciau megis y mislif sydd dal yn bwnc tabŵ.
Mae’r sesiynau yn cael ei darparu gan Ennyn CIC a’u harwain gan Sian Davies.
Mae Ennyn CIC yn gwmni er budd y gymuned sy’n cael ei reoli gan Nicky Arscott ac Elin Crowley, dwy artist o ardal Machynlleth. Mae’r cwmni yn cynnig gweithgareddau dwyieithog creadigol ac addysgiadol i blant, pobl ifanc ac oedolion yn ardal Machynlleth.
Mae’r sesiynau lles hyn yn cael eu harwain gan Sian Davies, sy’n cynnig gweithdai addysgiadol i godi ymwybyddiaeth am y mislif mewn dull creadigol. Mae Sian yn angerddol am leihau y teimlad o gywilydd a thabŵ sy’n bodoli oamgylch y pwnc, a’r teimlad o unigrwydd ac ynysiad sy’n gallu codi oherwydd hyny. Mae Sian yn gobeithio am ddyfodol lle bydd pobl ifanc yn cael eu cefnogi i adeiladu perthynas bositif gyda’u cyrff, a theimlo’n hyderus ar ei siwrne i mewn i ac yn ystod y glasoed.
The Climate Project pilot has been developed with high school aged young people in mind, who live in a bilingual, rural area of North Powys. Like other young people, they have missed out on opportunities to socialise and have fun during the Covid pandemic, and for many there are ongoing consequences from the isolation and anxiety caused by the whole situation. Many young people also suffer from anxiety about the climate emergency and the war in Ukraine adds to what seems like a catalogue of reasons to feel anxious and depressed.
Mae'r Prosiect Hinsawdd wedi cael ei gynllunio hefo lles yn ei graidd. Bydd y sesiynau misol am 6 mis yn rhoi cyfle i bobl ifanc ddod at ei gilydd hefo'i ffrindiau i gael hwyl, i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau creadigol a rhai sydd â ffocws ar les, tu mewn a thu allan gyda'r hinsawdd yn rhedeg fel thema drwyddynt. Y bwriad yw i gefnogi'r bobl ifanc fel eu bod yn gallu cymryd camau bychain fel eu bod yn gallu gweld eu bod nhw'n gallu cymryd camau fydd yn gwneud gwahaniaeth yn argyfwng yr hinsawdd - fod y sefyllfa ddim yn anobeithiol. Ac i fod yn 'weithredwyr hinsawdd' neu 'hyrwyddwyr hinsawdd' bydd angen iddyn nhw fod yn iach ac edrych ar ôl eu lles.
Other organisations receiving funding from the Connected Communities: Loneliness & Isolation Fund 2021 - 24 grant scheme include: Gerddi Bro Ddyfi Gardens, the Macular Society, Brecknock Play Network, Mid & North Powys Mind, Llanfyllin Mens' Shed and Credu. Look out for more information about their new projects soon!
In this blog post we look at some of the projects that have been funded in Powys by this scheme. It’s still early days but it gives a feel for how grassroots organisations are stepping in to address “the epidemic of loneliness” which has been identified by the Mental Health Foundation.
CARAD (Community Arts Rhayader & District)
CARAD is an organisation run by enthusiastic volunteers who love working with others and love Mid Wales. If you would like to share or learn practical skills, or have an interest in local stories, we have a new project which you would be welcome to join us in creating. Rhayader Museum is changing into TimeScape Rhayader and will have two new floors of activities and exhibits to experience.
We would welcome help in all sorts of ways, from carpentry to painting, gardening to crafting and more. We are also looking for people who would like to be ‘expert guides and gallery supervisors’ who can talk to our visitors about the area. We are developing a programme of training to complement what you already know, or support you to learn new things about the area, to help visitors get the most from their visit.
Would you like to feel more confident in meeting people again? If you’d like to enjoy a cuppa and find out about the many ways we welcome people to take part in creating Mid Wales's exciting new visitor attraction, then do get in touch - or leave a message at 07788 663 172 or call in to meet us, Tuesday – Friday, 11 – 4.00, East St, Rhayader, opposite the fire station.
Would you like to feel more confident in meeting people again? If you’d like to enjoy a cuppa and find out about the many ways we welcome people to take part in creating Mid Wales's exciting new visitor attraction, then do get in touch - or leave a message at 07788 663 172 or call in to meet us, Tuesday – Friday, 11 – 4.00, East St, Rhayader, opposite the fire station.
We are looking forward to delivering in-person wellbeing sessions for young females across the age span of 9 - 16, with the aim of supporting them in their transition into and through adolescence.
Sessions will involve learning about the bodily changes that occur during puberty, and provide a space for discussion, as well as activities such as yoga, arts & crafts, games and relaxation. The purpose of these session is to create a safe space for young females to gather together to socialise, connect and build relationships with each other, as well as to address the isolation that can be felt when journeying through puberty and trying to navigate topics such as menstruation, that are still taboo. We hope these sessions will empower and support our future generation.
The project will be provided by Ennyn CIC and delivered by Sian Davies.
Ennyn CIC is a community Interest company run by the artists Nicky Arscott and Elin Crowley, that offers creative and educational workshops, activities and opportunities for children, young people and adults in the Machynlleth area.
The wellbeing sessions will be run by Sian Davies, who offers creative menstrual awareness and educational workshops for menstruators and menstruators-to-be to learn about the menstrual cycle and menstrual wellbeing. Sian is passionate about tackling the shame and taboo that exists around the topics of puberty and menstruation, and the feelings of loneliness and isolation that can often arise from it. She hopes for a future where young people are supported in building a positive relationship with their bodies, and feel empowered in their transition in to and through adolescence.
Bydd y sesiynau yn cynnwys dysgu am newidiadau yn y corff yn ystod y glasoed, ac yn cynnig gofod i drafodaeth a gweithgareddau megis ioga, celf a chrefft, gemau ac ymlacio. Pwrpas y seisynau yw i greu gofod diogel i ferchaid ifanc i ymgynyll i gymdeithasu, cysylltu ac adeiladu perthnasau gyda’u gilydd, yn ogystal a chyfeirio at yr ynysu sy’n gallu digwydd tra’n symud trwy’r glasoed. Bydd y sesiynau yn cyfeirio at bynciau megis y mislif sydd dal yn bwnc tabŵ.
Mae’r sesiynau yn cael ei darparu gan Ennyn CIC a’u harwain gan Sian Davies.
Mae Ennyn CIC yn gwmni er budd y gymuned sy’n cael ei reoli gan Nicky Arscott ac Elin Crowley, dwy artist o ardal Machynlleth. Mae’r cwmni yn cynnig gweithgareddau dwyieithog creadigol ac addysgiadol i blant, pobl ifanc ac oedolion yn ardal Machynlleth.
Mae’r sesiynau lles hyn yn cael eu harwain gan Sian Davies, sy’n cynnig gweithdai addysgiadol i godi ymwybyddiaeth am y mislif mewn dull creadigol. Mae Sian yn angerddol am leihau y teimlad o gywilydd a thabŵ sy’n bodoli oamgylch y pwnc, a’r teimlad o unigrwydd ac ynysiad sy’n gallu codi oherwydd hyny. Mae Sian yn gobeithio am ddyfodol lle bydd pobl ifanc yn cael eu cefnogi i adeiladu perthynas bositif gyda’u cyrff, a theimlo’n hyderus ar ei siwrne i mewn i ac yn ystod y glasoed.
Menter Maldwyn - The Climate Project / Y Prosiect Hinsawdd
The Climate Project pilot has been designed with wellbeing at its core. Monthly sessions for 6 months provide an opportunity for young people to come together with friends, to have fun, to take part in creative and wellbeing-focused activities, both indoors and outdoors with the climate running as a theme throughout. The aim is to support the youngsters so that they can take small actions which help them to see that they can make a difference in the climate emergency - that it isn't a hopeless situation. And to be 'climate activists' or 'climate champions', they will need to look after their own health and wellbeing.
The first session involved a walk, photography, arts activities, yoga, good food and developing ideas for future sessions. As the project develops, we hope that the young people will begin to lead activities and demonstrate to themselves and others what empowered and capable young people can do. The project is a partnership between Menter Iaith Maldwyn, Fun Palaces and the National Trust and is a Welsh/bilingual project.
Mae'r Prosiect Hinsawdd wedi cael ei ddatblygu ar gyfer bobl ifanc oedran uwchradd, sy'n byw mewn ardal ddwyieithog a gwledig o Ogledd Powys. Fel pobl ifanc eraill, maen nhw wedi methu allan ar gyfleoedd i gymdeithasu a chael hwyl yn ystod y pandemig Covid, ac i lawer mae'r canlyniadau o'r ynysu a'r pryder a gafodd ei achosi yn parhau. Mae llawer o bobl ifanc hefyd yn dioddef o bryder ynglŷn ag argyfwng yr Hinsawdd ac mae'r rhyfel yn Wcráin yn ychwanegu at be sy'n teimlo fel catalog o resymau i deimlo'n bryderus ac isel.
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Menter Maldwyn Pecynnau blodau gwyllt / Wildflower sets |
Mae'r Prosiect Hinsawdd wedi cael ei gynllunio hefo lles yn ei graidd. Bydd y sesiynau misol am 6 mis yn rhoi cyfle i bobl ifanc ddod at ei gilydd hefo'i ffrindiau i gael hwyl, i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau creadigol a rhai sydd â ffocws ar les, tu mewn a thu allan gyda'r hinsawdd yn rhedeg fel thema drwyddynt. Y bwriad yw i gefnogi'r bobl ifanc fel eu bod yn gallu cymryd camau bychain fel eu bod yn gallu gweld eu bod nhw'n gallu cymryd camau fydd yn gwneud gwahaniaeth yn argyfwng yr hinsawdd - fod y sefyllfa ddim yn anobeithiol. Ac i fod yn 'weithredwyr hinsawdd' neu 'hyrwyddwyr hinsawdd' bydd angen iddyn nhw fod yn iach ac edrych ar ôl eu lles.
Yn y sesiwn cyntaf, buon ni'n cerdded, gwneud ffotograffiaeth, gweithgareddau celf, yoga, bwyta bwyd da a datblygu syniadau ar gyfer y sesiynau nesaf. Wrth i'r prosiect fynd yn ei flaen, ryden ni'n gobeithio y bydd y bobl ifanc yn dechrau arwain y gweithgareddau gan ddangos i'w hunain ac i eraill yr hyn y mae pobl ifanc grymus a galluog yn gallu ei wneud. Mae'r prosiect yn bartneriaeth rhwng Menter Iaith Maldwyn, Palasau Hwyl/Fun Palaces a'r Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol ac yn brosiect Cymraeg/dwyieithog.
Here at the Hanging Gardens in Llanidloes we have set up new creative sessions for new parents living locally.
This is a creative peer group for new parents where we try out different arts based activities (painting, crafts, and writing for example) and share coffee, conversation and concerns. It's a moment for parents to take some time for themselves and to meet others in the area. We have a safe place for you to bring your pre-toddler children who can relax and explore right next to us while the parents get stuck in!
The Wilderness Trust
You can find out more about the Hanging Gardens community project on our website.
Other funded organisations
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