Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Boots on the Ground – new support for veterans in Powys

Melvin Watts recently took on a new role as a Veterans' Mental Health Advocate (South Wales - including Powys) with Alabare - a charity supporting vulnerable, homeless and marginalised people – to roll out a project called Boots on the Ground across Wales. The new project will work to support veterans and their families.

We met Melvin to find out more about Boots on the Ground and why it is needed in Powys.

Tell us more about your new role and what drew you to the work

Boots on the Ground is a social enterprise supporting vulnerable veterans through outdoor activities. I work with veterans to identify activities / training and development that will help them become better equipped to find their place in the community. It also helps them build self-esteem and rediscover their limits.

As a veteran myself, I have had the privilege and honour to work alongside service personnel from all walks of life and backgrounds. I have seen the hardships they endure without complaint and seen the good humour they show through adversity. I wish to help those that may have fallen on difficult times, so that they may lead a more fulfilling life after the hardships they have endured for the country, and ensure they know that they are not forgotten by society.

What are the aims of the Boots on the Ground project

The project supports veterans on their journey towards improved mental health, wellbeing and community connection by creating new pathways driven through active engagement.

Many veterans have faced extreme challenges since leaving service. The scheme aims towards building self-esteem, resilience and skills by providing increased purpose in a friendly supportive atmosphere.

By working with organisations and groups in the local community we focus on a range of activity-based and personal development workshops, that can be tailored towards small veteran groups, across North & South Wales. Some of the activities that take place include wellbeing walks, social forestry, bushcraft, conservation, horticulture, litter picking hubs and Veterans’ Breakfast Clubs.

How do you define the term “veteran”?

A veteran is anyone who has served one day’s service with the Armed Forces, whether it be as a reservist or full time member.

 to raise money for homeless veterans

Tell us more about why veterans in Powys might need the kind of support you offer?

Veterans everywhere may at some stage suffer from mental health issues, alcohol / drug addiction, homelessness or feel lonely. They may be out of work and looking to retrain or having retired they may wish to feel less isolated and just enjoy activities with like-minded people. Intervention helps reduce the risk of harm to individuals and their families.

How can Powys veterans access the service?

They can refer themselves by emailing M.Watts@alabare.co.uk

What barriers might prevent veterans seeking support and how do you work to overcome those?

We take each case on its merits and will look at them on an individual basis.

Are there particular issues which arise in rural areas for veterans struggling with their mental health?

The biggest thing is isolation, and this can be overcome by a network of volunteers and staff who will where possible either transport individuals or visit in their own home.

What kind of activities does Boots on the Ground offer to support veterans in Powys?

Bushcraft, wood turning, canoeing, fishing, walking, cycling, swimming, horse riding…. The list is endless.

Veterans on a fishing trip

Which other organisations do you work closely with, either locally in Powys, or in the rest of the UK, to provide support to people?

So many! But to list some of them - Armed Forces Covenant, Woodys Lodge, Equus Ferrus, Royal British Legion, Military Preparation College for Training, In the Squad, Dyfed Powys Police, National Probation Service, HMP Parc Many Teras, Action Petz, and Transport For Wales.

What is the most challenging aspect of the job?

There are no challenges, just solutions that I haven’t found yet. (Funding can be difficult but there are so many fantastic agencies or private companies that are supportive and go out of their way to help).

What is the most rewarding aspect of your work?

Meeting veterans, hearing their stories and finding a path together.

When you are not working for Alabare, how do you enjoy spending your time?

Cycling, fishing, walking and spending time with my wife while we visit friends and family all over the UK. I am studying some language skills and read all types of books including classics and military history.

Melvin's dog after their walk up Pen y Fan

Many thanks to Melvin for telling us about the Boots on the Ground project. If you would like to find out more or request a referral form you can contact Melvin by emailing: M.Watts@alabare.co.uk

Further support for veterans is available in Powys (and across Wales). Find out more on the Veterans NHS website.

Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Talking Benches – young farmers & mental health

First published on the Powys Teaching Health Board website.
Thank you for giving us permission to repost.

As she steps down from her term as Chair of Montgomeryshire YFC (Young Farmers' Club), Bryony Wilson is urging young people to seek support if they are struggling with their mental health.

Bryony was on hand recently to reveal a Talking Bench which has been created by Berriew YFC’s Alfie Taylor. Thanks to funding from Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations, Young Farmers’ Clubs across Powys have been invited to design and create Talking Benches which it is hoped will become a community focal point:

“The benches are our way to tackle community isolation,” says Bryony. “In Berriew, for example, we have lots of people who live on their own. The benches will be placed at the heart of village life and they will have details of Helplines if people need some support.”

And, as part of the Welsh Government’s Help Us Help You campaign which is encouraging people to help protect their own mental health by accessing free support (see more below), she opened up about her own experiences:

“I struggled a couple of years ago. It all stemmed from going for a smear test and being told I had an abnormal result,” says Bryony. “Everything turned out to be just fine but it resulted in me feeling very anxious before I knew the result. I couldn’t sleep and I was having panic attacks day and night. It not only had a big impact on me but my family too as they didn’t know how to help me.

“The NHS was fantastic. The doctor reassured me that it was anxiety and he put me on medication. I can now recognise the symptoms which helps but I still take the medication. It’s important I’m open about it because people probably wouldn’t think I’d be someone who struggles as I come across as bubbly and confident.”

It was her own experiences of sleepless nights and panic attacks that led her to adopt MIND Cymru as the official charity for Montgomeryshire YFC. In addition, members have undertaken mental health training with The DPJ Foundation which is a Welsh mental health charity that supports those in agriculture and rural communities.

PAVO has also awarded a grant to Young Farmers’ Clubs which was invested in mental health peer support sessions by Mind Cymru as well as opportunities to try Tai Chi for relaxation.

“People close to me have struggled with depression,” adds Bryony. “My Uncle took his own life in 2020 so it’s really important that we encourage people to talk and come forward if they are struggling. I wouldn’t want another family going through what we have.

“Farmers, particularly, spend so much time on their own so the chances of opening up to anyone are even slimmer. I think it’s true that most men aren’t very good at talking about their feelings and I’m sure farmers are worse. They’re brought up to be strong, practical and tough. But actually, the strong and practical thing to do when you’re struggling is to get help,” adds Bryony.

The Welsh Government’s Help Us Help You campaign is encouraging people to make small changes to help them lead healthier lifestyles such as protecting your mental health.

Joy Garfitt is the Assistant Director for Mental Health and Learning Disabilities from the Powys Teaching Health Board. She said: “There are small things we can do to help protect our mental health at a time when levels of anxiety are higher. We know that poor mental health can be a problem within agriculture and in areas of rural isolation but there is free support available and we’d encourage anyone struggling to come forward.”

If you are struggling with your mental health, there is free support available to you. The NHS Wales SilverCloud online programme can help with anxiety, depression and stress. You can self-refer HERE. 

You can also self-refer to Ponthafren Association in North Powys for counselling on the organisation's website. In Mid Powys you can contact Mid & North Powys Mind, and in the south of the county Brecon & District Mind or Ystradgynlais Mind.

Let us know what you think of the Talking Benches initiative in the comments below. 
We love to hear from you!

Thursday, 7 October 2021

Diwrnod Iechyd Meddwl y Byd 2021 | World Mental Health Day 2021

Iechyd Meddwl mewn Byd Anghyfartal 

Eleni byddwn yn dathlu Diwrnod Iechyd Meddwl y Byd ar ddydd Sul, 10fed Hydref. Y sefydliad tu ôl i’r diwrnod ymwybyddiaeth pwysig hwn yw’r Ffederasiwn Byd-eang Iechyd Meddwl.

“Nod Diwrnod Iechyd Meddwl y Byd yw codi ymwybyddiaeth ar draws y byd am agendâu hollbwysig ym maes iechyd meddwl - gan uno lleisiau trwy gydweithio gyda phartneriaid amrywiol - i weithredu ac i greu newid parhaol trwy’r negeseuon a hyrwyddir.”

Y thema eleni yw “Iechyd Meddwl mewn Byd Anghyfartal.”

Anghyfartaledd yw’r gwahaniaeth mewn statws cymdeithasol, cyfoeth neu gyfleoedd rhwng pobl neu grwpiau.

Mental Health in an Unequal World

This year we celebrate World Mental Health Day on Sunday 10 October. The World Federation for Mental Health is the driver behind this important awareness day.

“World Mental Health Day aims to raise awareness in the global community about the critical mental health agendas – with a unifying voice through collaboration with various partners – to take action and to create lasting change through the messages we promote.”

The theme this year is “Mental Health in an Unequal World.”

Inequality is the difference in social status, wealth or opportunity between people or groups.

Diwrnod Iechyd Meddwl y Byd 2021

"Mae’r byd yn fwyfwy polareiddiedig gydag unigolion cyfoethog iawn yn dod yn fwy cyfoethog, a nifer y bobl sy’n byw mewn tlodi yn llawer rhy uchel o hyd. Daeth anghydraddoldebau oherwydd hil ac ethnigrwydd, tueddfryd rhywiol a hunaniaeth rhyw yn llawer mwy amlwg yn 2020, a’r diffyg parch tuag at hawliau dynol mewn nifer o wledydd, gan gynnwys i bobl sy’n byw gyda chyflyrau iechyd meddwl. Mae’r anghydraddoldebau hyn yn cael effaith ar iechyd meddwl pobl.

Rydym yn awyddus i gefnogi cymdeithas sifil i chwarae rhan weithgar wrth fynd i’r afael ag anghyfartaledd mewn ardaloedd lleol. Rydym eisiau annog ymchwilwyr i rannu’r wybodaeth sydd ganddynt am anghyfartaledd iechyd meddwl, gan gynnwys syniadau ymarferol o ran sut i fynd i’r afael â hyn."

Ffederasiwn Byd-eang Iechyd Meddwl

World Mental Health Day 2021

"The world is increasingly polarized, with the very wealthy becoming wealthier, and the number of people living in poverty still far too high. 2020 highlighted inequalities due to race and ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity, and the lack of respect for human rights in many countries, including for people living with mental health conditions. Such inequalities have an impact on people’s mental health.

We want to support civil societies to play an active role in tackling inequality in their local areas. We want to encourage researchers to share what they know about mental health inequality including practical ideas about how to tackle this."

World Federation for Mental Health

Cydraddoldeb ym Mhowys

Ym Mhowys - yn debyg i rannau eraill o Gymru - mae gwasanaethau cymorth o bob math ar gael i gefnogi pobl sy’n ceisio ymdopi yn ystod cyfnod o galedi ariannol megis banciau bwyd a chynlluniau tlodi tanwydd. Mae’r gwasanaethau’n cael eu defnyddio’n rheolaidd sy’n awgrymu bod pobl yn cael trafferthion go iawn, eu bod yn parhau a’i fod yn anodd eu goresgyn.

Hwyrach y bydd pobl sydd â nodweddion gwarchodedig (oedran, anabledd, ailbennu rhywedd, beichiogrwydd a mamolaeth, hil, crefydd neu gredoau, rhyw, tueddfryd rhywiol, priodas a phartneriaeth sifil - mewn perthynas â chael eu trin yn wahanol yn eu gwaith) yn profi gwarthnod, bwlio a hyd yn oed dioddef o drosedd casineb unrhyw adeg yn eu bywyd oherwydd pwy ydynt yn syml iawn.

Gall yr holl ffactorau hyn olygu bod pobl dan anfantais, yn ymarferol ac yn gorfforol, a hefyd ar lefel seicolegol, ac mae’n bur debyg eu bod yn fwy tebygol o gael trafferth ymdopi ag iechyd meddwl na phobl nad yw’r heriau hyn yn effeithio arnynt yn ddyddiol.

Gofynnodd astudiaeth a gynhaliwyd gan Fwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys yn 2018 i helpu eu hysbysu mewn perthynas â’r strategaeth cydraddoldeb newydd, i ymatebwyr nodi pa grwpiau o bobl oedd ar y cyfan yn cael y profiadau iechyd gwaethaf. Y tri uchaf oedd: pobl anabl, pobl hŷn a phobl drawsrywiol.

Wrth ofyn pa bobl oedd yn cael y profiad gwaethaf o ran dylanwadu ar benderfyniadau, y tri uchaf oedd: pobl anabl, pobl dduon ac o leiafrifoedd ethnig, a phlant a phobl ifanc.

Equalities in Powys

In Powys – as in all parts of Wales - there are all kinds of support services for people struggling through financial hardship such as foodbanks and fuel poverty schemes. The services are well used, which suggests that the struggles are real, continuing and hard to overcome.

People with protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership - in relation to being treated differently at work) may experience stigma, bullying and even be the victims of hate crime at any stage of their life just because of who they are.

All of these factors can mean that people are disadvantaged, both practically and physically, and also psychologically, and probably much more likely to struggle with their mental health than people who don’t face such challenges on a daily basis.

A study carried out by Powys Teaching Health Board in 2018 to help inform their new equality strategy asked respondents which groups of people generally had the worst experiences of health. The top three were disabled people, older people and transgender people.

When asked which people had the worst experience of influencing decisions, the top three were disabled people, black and minority ethnic people and children & young people.

Powys Teaching Health Board Strategic Equality Plan 2020 – 2024 “Fairness & Equality for All”

Mae poblogaeth Powys yn fwy amrywiol nag y byddem yn meddwl ar yr olwg gyntaf. Mae cynllun cydraddoldeb y bwrdd iechyd yn disgrifio rhai ystadegau am breswylwyr, sydd:

“Yn caniatáu ichi werthfawrogi amrywiaeth ein poblogaeth a’r angen i drin ein gilydd mewn ffordd urddasol a pharchus. Mae’n bwysig ein bod yn sicrhau y caiff grwpiau ymylol neu grwpiau pobl nas clywir eu barn yn aml eu cynnwys a bod ganddynt fynediad at wasanaethau.”

Gweler isod ychydig o enghreifftiau o’r ystadegau a ddyfynnwyd:
  • Ar gyfer pob 100 o bobl sy’n byw ym Mhowys, bydd 5-7 o bobl yn lesbiaidd, hoyw neu ddeurywiol.
  • Dywedodd 19% o ddinasyddion eu bod yn gallu siarad Cymraeg yn 2011.
  • Daw 130,827 (98%) o bobl o gefndir gwyn, ac mae 2,149 (2%) yn dod o gefndir nad yw’n wyn.
  • Mae 41.6% o 59,215 o gartrefi’n ennill llai na £20,000 y flwyddyn.
  • Yn ôl 8% o boblogaeth Powys maent yn derbyn triniaeth ar gyfer iselder neu bryder, a hwn yw un o’r tri phrif achos o anabledd.
Yn gynharach eleni, ysgrifennodd Diverse Cymru, yr elusen cydraddoldeb yng Nghymru, am y cydraddoldeb y mae pobl BAME (Duon ac o Leiafrifoedd Ethnig) yn eu hwynebu yng Nghymru mewn perthynas ag iechyd meddwl gan gynnwys “diffyg difrifol o ran therapïau siarad, h.y.: cwnsela ar gyfer pobl BAME nad yw Saesneg yn iaith gyntaf iddynt.”

A hyd yn oed ychydig o flynyddoedd yn ôl yn ôl Mind, yr elusen iechyd meddwl bu’n rhaid i bobl yng Nghymru aros yn hirach ar gyfer gwasanaeth cwnsela trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg o’i gymharu â’r Saesneg.

The population of Powys is more diverse than we might think at first glance. The health board’s equality plan describes some stats about residents, which:

“Allows one to appreciate the diversity of our population and the need to treat one another with dignity and respect. It is important that we ensure that marginalised or seldom heard groups of people are involved and have access to services.”

Here are just a few examples from the stats they list:
  • For every 100 people living within Powys, 5-7 people would be lesbian, gay or bisexual.
  • 19% of citizens said they could speak Welsh in 2011.
  • 130,827 (98%) people are from a white background and 2,149 (2%) from a non-white background.
  • 41.6% of 59,215 households earn less than £20,000 per year.
  • 8% of the Powys population report being treated for depression or anxiety and it is one of the top three leading causes of disability.
Earlier this year Diverse Cymru, the equalities charity in Wales, wrote about the inequalities faced by BAME (Black & Minority Ethnic) people in Wales in relation to mental health, including the “severe lack of talking therapies, ie: counselling for BAME people whose first language is not English.”

And even just a few years ago the mental health charity Mind reported that people in Wales had to wait longer for counselling in Welsh than in English.

Mynd i’r afael â chydraddoldeb i wella Iechyd Meddwl

"Mae anghydraddoldeb cymdeithasol ym mhob man: tlodi a straen ariannol, hiliaeth, rhagfarn ar sail rhyw, bwlio a seilir ar dueddfryd rhywiol, digartrefedd ac allgáu cymdeithasol oherwydd anabledd neu oedran, i enwi dim ond rhai. Ond yn aml iawn, bydd trafodaethau ynghylch achosion problemau iechyd meddwl yn canolbwyntio ar ffactorau unigol. Anaml iawn y bydd trafodaeth gyhoeddus yn cydnabod fod amgylchiadau ein genedigaeth, ein magwraeth a lle rydym yn byw yn cael effaith sylweddol ar ein cyfleoedd i gael iechyd meddwl da."

Adroddiad y Sefydliad Iechyd Meddwl 2020 – Mynd i’r afael ag anghydraddoldeb cymdeithasol er mwyn lleihau problemau iechyd meddwl (Sut gall pawb ffynnu ar lefel gyfartal).

Mae adroddiad y Sefydliad Iechyd Meddwl yn fanwl iawn, ac mae’n werth ei ddarllen er mwyn dysgu mwy am:
  • Natur a maint anghydraddoldeb iechyd meddwl.
  • Mapio anghydraddoldeb sy’n cael dylanwad ar iechyd meddwl, e.e.: economaidd, addysg, statws diwylliannol / grŵp cymdeithasol, profiadau niweidiol mewn plentyndod, iechyd / anabledd a heneiddio, a dylanwad ecolegol megis digartrefedd.
  • Mynd i’r afael ag anghydraddoldeb economaidd-gymdeithasol er mwyn gwella iechyd meddwl.
Un o obeithion penodol y Sefydliad yw “dangos atebion effeithiol, meintiol sy’n lleihau effaith anfantais ac sy’n magu gwydnwch ymhlith pobl sydd wedi profi anghydraddoldeb”. Yn ein cymunedau lleol ni, gall rhai o’r rhain gynnwys tai fforddiadwy, gwasanaethau cyhoeddus sy’n deall trawma, a mwy o gyfranogiad cymunedol. Ac ar lefel genedlaethol mae’r sefydliad yn galw am gymorth incwm nad yw’n seiliedig ar brawf modd, dylunio mewn ‘mannau gwyrdd-glas’ (e.e.: parciau, coed ar strydoedd a phyllau) a rheoleiddio marchnata ar gyfer diwydiannau niweidiol, er enghraifft.

Tackling inequalities to improve mental health

"Social inequalities are all around us: poverty and financial strain, racism, sexism, bullying based on sexual orientation, homelessness, and social exclusion due to disability or age, to name just a handful. Yet discussion on the causes of mental health problems often focusses on individual factors. Rarely does public discourse acknowledge that the circumstances in which we are born, raised and live profoundly affect our chances of having good mental health."

Mental Health Foundation 2020 report – Tackling social inequalities to reduce mental health problems (How everyone can flourish equally).

The Mental Health Foundation report is extremely detailed and well worth the longer read to find out more about:
  • The nature & extent of mental health inequalities.
  • Mapping inequalities that influence mental health, eg: economic, education, cultural / social group status, adverse childhood experiences, health / disability & ageing, and ecological influences such as homelessness.
  • Tackling socioeconomic inequalities to improve mental health.
The Foundation particularly hopes “to demonstrate effective, scalable solutions that minimise the effects of disadvantage and foster resilience in people with experience of inequality”. Within our local communities some of these could include affordable housing, trauma informed public services, and increased community participation. Whilst at a national level the Foundation calls for non means-tested income supports, designing in ‘green-blue space’ (eg: parks, street trees and ponds) and regulation on marketing for harmful industries, for example.

Mae’n bwysig i bob un ohonom ym Mhowys fyw a gweithio mewn ffordd sy’n parchu pawb. Ond nid yn unig hyn, ond mewn ffordd sy’n caniatáu adnabod a herio anghydraddoldeb. Mae angen inni gychwyn mwy o sgyrsiau ynghylch anghydraddoldeb ym mhob agwedd ar fywyd, ond mewn perthynas ag iechyd meddwl, mae angen inni ganolbwyntio ar y problemau sy’n parhau i arwain at fynediad anghyfartal at wasanaethau a chymorth i bobl.

Gall mwy o gydweithio fod yn fuddiol o ran y cymorth yma - yn enwedig rhwng y sefydliadau gwahanol sy’n cynnig gofal ym maes iechyd a gofal cysylltiedig. Hefyd mae’n bwysig clywed yn amlach lleisiau’r sawl sy’n profi anghydraddoldeb - ac estyn gwahoddiad i’r sawl sy’n fodlon rhannu eu profiadau i gyfrannu wrth ddylunio gwasanaethau iechyd gwell ar gyfer y dyfodol er mwyn bodloni eu hanghenion. Byddai’n braf clywed gan unrhyw un sydd am gyfrannu at lywio gwasanaethau’r dyfodol. Gellir dysgu mwy trwy’r tudalennau Cyfrannu ar ein gwefan a/neu drwy gysylltu â’r Swyddog Cyfranogiad Iechyd Meddwl - Owen Griffkin trwy e-bostio: owen.griffkin@pavo.org.uk

Mae thema Diwrnod Iechyd Meddwl y Byd eleni - “Iechyd Meddwl mewn Byd Anghyfartal” - yn enfawr. Mae’n haeddu cant o bostiadau blog! Gofynnir ichi ddarllen y dogfennau hirach trwy’r dolenni uchod er mwyn deall yn well yr hyn y gall llywodraethau, cymunedau ac unigolion ei wireddu, trwy gydweithio, sy’n fodlon hybu mwy o newid er mwyn datrys yr anghydraddoldebau cyfredol, sydd, er gwaethaf bwriadau gorau llawer o bobl, yn parhau heddiw ym Mhowys a’r byd ehangach.

It is important that each and every one of us in Powys lives and works in a way which is respectful to all. But not only this, but in a way which allows inequality to be identified and challenged. We need to start more conversations about inequality in all areas of life, but in relation to mental health we need to focus on the issues which still result in people having unequal access to services and support.

This support might benefit from more joined up working – particularly between the many different organisations providing health and related care. It is also important to hear more often the voice of those experiencing inequality – and inviting those individuals who are willing to share their experiences to participate in designing future health services better equipped to serve their needs. We welcome contact from anyone who wishes to contribute to shaping future services. You can find out more on our Getting Involved website pages and / or contact our Mental Health Participation Officer Owen Griffkin by emailing: owen.griffkin@pavo.org.uk

The theme of this year’s World Mental Health Day – “Mental Health in an Unequal World” – is massive. Worthy of a hundred blog posts! Please read the longer documents we have linked to for a greater understanding of what could be achieved by governments, communities and individuals all working together, all willing to push for bigger change to resolve the current inequalities which, despite the best intentions of many, still persist in Powys and the wider world.

NEWYDD DDOD I LAW: Un o flaenoriaethau cyllido’r Dream Fund eleni yw: Anghydraddoldeb Cymdeithasol. Gall elusennau wneud cais am hyd at £1,250,000 ar gyfer prosiect arloesol, effeithiol a chydweithiol. Gellir dysgu mwy a sut i wneud cais am grant yma.

STOP PRESS: One of The Dream Fund’s funding priorities this year is: Social Inequality. Charities can apply for up to £1,250,000 for an innovative, impactful and collaborative project. Find out more and how to apply for a grant here.