Ehangwch ar eich rôl
Byddaf yn gobeithio cyflwyno’r Cynnig Rhagweithiol fel strategaeth i geisio cynyddu defnydd y iaith Gymraeg o fewn y setctor.
Beth yw’r Cynnig Rhagweithiol?
Mae’r Cynnig Rhagweithiol yn un o egwyddorion allweddol ‘Mwy na Geiriau…’ sydd yn fframwaith strategol ar gyfer iechyd, gwasanaethau cymdeithasol a gofal cymdeithasol a gyhoeddwyd gan Llywodraeth Cymru er mwyn cefnogi gwasanaethau Cymraeg yn y meysydd hyn.
Sut allith hyn fod yn fuddiol i ddefnyddwyr gwasanaeth iechyd meddwl ym Mhowys?
Wrth drafod materion personol gall defnyddwyr gwasanaeth iechyd meddwl deimlo’n fregus wrth drafod y materion hyn yn eu hail iaith. Dylent allu derbyn gwasanaeth yn eu mamiaith heb orfod gofyn amdano, ac mae’r cynnig rhagweithiol yn galluogi hyn.
Ydy’r Cynnig Rhagweithiol yn hanfodol?
Mae rhaid i fudiadau ar draws y drydydd sector a thu hwnt cydymffurfio â gofynion cyfreithiol a statudol Mesur y Gymraeg (Cymru) 2011 sydd yn ffocysu ar sefydlu hawliau, creu safonau a sicrhau y gall siaradwyr Cymraeg dderbyn gwasanaethau yng Nghymraeg.
Sut byddwch yn gweithio gyda mudiadau i hybu defnydd yr iaith Gymraeg?
Byddaf yn cyflenwi mudiadau yn y drydydd sector gyda gwybodaeth, hyfforddiant a chefnogi unrhyw angen arall ynglŷn â’r iaith Gymraeg. Gwelaf newid agwedd tuag at yr iaith Gymraeg fel blaenoriaeth, felly rwyf yn gobeithio ymwneud â’r mudiadau ar lefel personol fel bod fy angerdd at yr iaith a’r diwylliant yn gallu dylanwadu arnynt i ystyried bod cynyddu defnydd a pharch tuag at yr iaith yn gallu gwneud byd o wahaniaeth.
Beth ydych chi’n mwynhau gwneud tra boch chi ddim yn PAVO?
Tu hwnt i PAVO, fy mhrif ddiddordeb yw cerddoriaeth! Rwyf mewn band gyda fy mrodyr ac rydym yn gigio’n aml. Ein henw yw Casset ac rydym yn canu’n Gymraeg fel arfer ac rwyf yn dilyn y sîn roc Gymraeg. Dwi hefyd yn gweithredu systemau sain, creu celf pan dwi’n gallu ac rwyf yn weddol hyderus yn fy sgiliau coginio.
Ac yn olaf...
Does dim dwywaith amdani fod gennai lot o waith i wneud ond cam dros y trothwy yw hanner y daith ac rwyf yn gobeithio creu newid go iawn yma ym Mhowys!
Os hofffwch ddarganfod mwy am y cynnig rhagweithiol, cysylltwch a Gwern trwy email: neu ffoniwch 01597 822191.
Helo sumai! I’m Gwern, the new Welsh Language Development Officer here at PAVO. One of my responsibilities is to support the Welsh Language throughout the third sector and beyond in Powys. I shall be focusing on a number of areas within the sector including Mental Health.
Tell us more about your role
I’m hoping to introduce the Active Offer as a strategy to try and increase the use of the Welsh Language within the sector.
What is the Active Offer?
The Active Offer is one of the key principles of ‘More than just words...’, a strategic framework designed for health, social services and social care that was issued by the Welsh Government to support Welsh services in these fields.
Why could this be beneficial to people using mental health services in Powys?
Mental health service users might feel vulnerable whilst discussing personal matters in their second language. They should be able to receive services in their mother tongue without having to ask, and the active offer enables this.
Is the Active Offer essential?
Organisations across the third sector and beyond have a responsibility to comply with legal and statutory requirements of the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 that focuses on creating standards and rights being established that will ensure Welsh speakers can receive services in Welsh.
How will you be working with organisations to increase use of the Welsh language?
I shall be supplying third sector organisations with information, training and any other need they have regarding the Welsh language. I believe that changing attitude towards the Welsh language is a priority and so I hope to engage with these organisations on a personal level so that my passion for the language and the culture can inspire them to think more about how increased use and respect for the language can go a long way.
What do you like to do when you’re not working at PAVO?
Outside of work, my main interest is music! I’m in a band with my two brothers and we gig regularly. We’re called Casset and we sing mainly in Welsh and I’m an avid follower of the Welsh music scene.
I also operate sound systems, delve into art as much as I can and I’m quite confident in my culinary skills.
And finally...
No two ways about it, I’ve got my work cut out for me, but every journey begins with a single step and I hope to make some real changes here in Powys!
If you would like to find out more about the Active Offer then do get in touch with Gwern by emailing: or ring 01597 822191.
If you would like to find out more about the Active Offer then do get in touch with Gwern by emailing: or ring 01597 822191.