Thursday, 19 October 2023

The DPJ Foundation launches vital children’s books

Lawnsiad Sefydliad DPJ o lyfrau plant hanfodol

DPJ founder Emma's children - Trystan, Mali & Erin 
Plant Emma, sylfaenydd DPJ - Trystan, Mali ac Erin

On Tuesday 10 October 2023, World Mental Health Awareness Day, The DPJ Foundation shared their first series of therapeutic children’s picture books the “Dan Y Bont” series with schools across Wales.

The DPJ Foundation, founded in 2016, supports the mental health of agricultural communities across Wales, providing a 24/7 helpline ‘Share The Load’. This includes supporting those who are bereaved and are experiencing grief.

Ar ddydd Mawrth 10fed o Hydref, 2023, Diwrnod Ymwybyddiaeth Iechyd Meddwl y Byd, rhannodd Sefydliad DPJ, gydag ysgolion ledled Cymru, llyfrau “Dan Y Bont”, eu cyfres gyntaf o lyfrau lluniau therapiwtig i blant.

Mae Sefydliad DPJ, a sefydlwyd yn 2016, yn cefnogi iechyd meddwl cymunedau amaethyddol ar draws Cymru, gan ddarparu llinell gymorth 24/7 ‘Rhannwch y Baich’. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cymorth i’r rhai hynny sydd wedi cael profedigaeth ac sy’n galaru.

The idea for this project came from the DPJ Foundation’s charity manager, Kate Miles. Kate recognized the increasing need for bereavement support for children in rural communities, especially those in agriculture and often found parents turning to the DPJ Foundation for assistance when their children were grappling with the complexities of grief. Thanks to a grant from the Welsh Government’s Bereavement Support Fund, the charity was able to create a collection of three books specifically tailored to primary-age children, aiming to provide them with much-needed support during difficult times. Fundraising from within the agricultural community has enabled the DPJ Foundation to place books within schools and libraries across the country. Kate said:

“We know that everyone will experience bereavement at some point, and dealing with this as a child can be difficult. We wanted to support parents, grandparents and teachers to have conversations that can enable their children to deal with often overwhelming feelings. We know that it is hard to support your child whilst trying to face your own loss so we wanted to offer something that may help.”

Lluniwyd y prosiect yn dilyn awgrymiadau Kate Miles, rheolwr elusen Sefydliad DPJ, a oedd wedi adnabod yr angen cynyddol am gefnogaeth profedigaeth i blant mewn cymunedau gwledig, yn enwedig cymunedau amaethyddol. Roedd hi’n aml yn gweld rhieni’n troi at Sefydliad DPJ am help pan roedd eu plant yn brwydro gyda chymhlethdodau galar. Diolch i grant oddiwrth Gronfa Cynnal Profedigaeth Llywodraeth Cymru, fe’m galluogwyd ni i greu casgliad o dri llyfr a deilwrwyd yn arbennig ar gyfer plant oed cynradd, gan anelu at ddarparu’r gefnogaeth sydd mawr ei hangen arnynt yn ystod dyddiau tywyll. Mae gwaith codi arian yn y gymuned amaethyddol wedi galluogi Sefydliad DPJ i osod llyfrau mewn ysgolion a llyfrgelloedd ar draws y wlad. Dywedodd Kate:

“Mae pawb yn dioddef profedigaeth ar ryw adeg. Gall delio â hyn pan yn blentyn fod yn anodd. Roeddwn am gefnogi rhieni, neiniau a theidiau ac athrawon i gynnal sgyrsiau a allai alluogi eu plant i ddelio â theimladau sydd, yn aml, yn gwbl llethol. Deallwn ei fod yn anodd cefnogi’ch plentyn tra’n ceisio wynebu’ch colled eich hun, felly roeddwn am gynnig rhywbeth a allai fod o gymorth”.

Collaborating with the dedicated team at Green Wellies Publishing in Builth Wells, the Charity’s founder, Emma O’Sullivan alongside Kate, worked to lay the foundations for these stories. Anwen Nicholls and Kenneth Rees then skilfully crafted the words and illustrations to bring these ideas to life.

The Dan Y Bont series revolves around the lives of three children in a small village, each of whom has experienced a different type of loss—whether it's the passing of a grandparent, the sudden loss of a sibling, or the tragedy of a parent's suicide. These books approach these sensitive topics with great care and in a child-friendly manner, offering children explanations and suggestions for moving forward while reinforcing the message that it's okay not to feel okay during such difficult times.

Wrth gydweithio’n agos gyda thîm cyhoeddi ymroddgar Green Wellies yn Llanfair ym Muallt, aeth Emma O’Sullivan, sylfaenydd yr elusen, a Kate ati i ddatblygu seiliau cysyniadol y llyfrau hyn. Yna, defnyddiwyd talent creadigol Anwen Nicholls a Kenneth Rees i ysgrifennu a darlunio’r storïau er mwyn rhoi bywyd i’r syniadau hyn.

Troella gyfres Dan Y Bont o gwmpas bywydau tri o blant mewn pentref bach, ac mae pob un ohonynt wedi dioddef colled wahanol - p’un ai bod hynny’n farwolaeth tadcu neu famgu, colli brawd neu chwaer yn sydyn neu hunan-laddiad trasig rhiant. Mae’r llyfrau hyn yn trafod y themáu sensitif hyn gyda gofal mawr ac mewn dull cyfeillgar i blant wrth gynnig esboniadau ac awgrymiadau ynghylch symud ymlaen, tra’n atgyfnerthu’r neges ei fod yn iawn i beidio â theimlo’n iawn mewn cyfnodau mor anodd.

Emma, who is also a primary school teacher, established The DPJ Foundation after losing her husband Daniel Picton-Jones to suicide. Emma's personal experiences with her own children following the loss of Daniel served as inspiration for these books. Emma says:

“I am so proud of what we have achieved with these books, alongside the team at Green Wellies. When Mali and Trystan lost their dad, there was little support for them so to now see these books available for children who are experiencing grief is wonderful. As a teacher, I see the impact of books every day and I’m glad we can now contribute to that with our own books.”

Sefydlodd Emma, sydd hefyd yn athrawes ysgol gynradd, Sefydliad DPJ wedi iddi golli ei gŵr, Daniel Picton-Jones, drwy hunanladdiad. Hysbrydolodd profiadau personol Emma gyda’i phlant ei hun yn dilyn colli Daniel i fynd ati i lunio’r llyfrau hyn. Dyma oedd gan Emma i’w ddweud:

“Dw i mor falch o’r hyn ‘rydym ni, ochr yn ochr â’r tîm yn Green Wellies, wedi’i gyflawni. Pan gollodd Mali a Thrystan eu tad doedd fawr o gefnogaeth ar gael iddynt, felly mae’n hyfryd gweld bod y llyfrau hyn ar gael i blant sy’n galaru. Fel athrawes, gwelaf yn ddyddiol effaith llyfrau a dw i mor falch ein bod yn gallu cyfrannu at hynny gyda’n llyfrau ni’n hunain”.

Books have been distributed to over 160 schools right across the country along with an accompanying assembly that is available in both English and Welsh and which can be delivered to introduce the books and open the conversation around bereavement and mental health. Assemblies will be delivered in some schools by the DPJ Foundation’s Regional Champion volunteers, including one by Mali, Emma’s daughter, who had also fundraised along with her brother Trystan and friends Reuben, Freddie and Isla who are also helping to distribute the books. Mali said:

“When mum told us about the books, we all decided to wanted to fundraise to make sure we could get these books out to schools. We didn’t have anything like this when we lost dad so it’s nice that other children and families can use the books to help.”

Trystan said “I really liked being able to look in a book and see another child who had lost their dad too and was able to get help and understand what happened. I think they will be really good for other children who have been through the same thing as me.”

Mae llyfrau wedi’u dosbarthu i dros 160 o ysgolion ar draws y wlad, ynghyd â gwasanaethau boreuol cyfrwng Cymraeg a Saesneg. Mae modd eu defnyddio i gyflwyno’r llyfrau a dechrau’r sgwrs am brofedigaeth ac iechyd meddwl. Cafodd rhai o’r gwasanaethau eu cyflwyno yn yr ysgolion gan wirfoddolwyr Pencampwyr Rhanbarthol Sefydliad DPJ, gan gynnwys un gan Mali, merch Emma, a oedd hefyd wedi bod yn codi arian yng nghwmi ei brawd Trystan a’i ffrindiau Reuben, Freddie ac Isla, sydd hefyd yn helpu dosbarthu’r llyfrau. Dyma a oedd gan Mali i’w ddweud:

“Pan soniodd mam am y llyfrau, roedd pob un ohonom wedi penderfynu ein bod am godi arian i wneud yn siwr bod y llyfrau hyn yn cyrraedd ysgolion. Doedd dim byd tebyg ar gael i ni pan gollon ni Dad. Felly, mae’n braf bod plant a theuluoedd eraill yn gallu defnyddio’r llyfrau i’w helpu”.

Dywedodd Trystan “Roeddwn wir yn hoffi darllen am blentyn arall a oedd hefyd wedi colli ei dad a chael help yn ogystal â deall yr hyn a oedd wedi digwydd. Dw i’n credu y byddant yn dda iawn ar gyfer plant eraill sydd wedi profi’r un sefyllfa”.

The charity was committed to making the books available in both English and Welsh to ensure widespread accessibility and Welsh books are currently in the print stage.

Anwen Nicholls and Ken Rees of Green Wellies Publishing are proud to have worked on these books. They said:

“We hope that the books offer some support to families when they are facing sadness, and looking to find images and words to help make sense of the challenging times in their lives. It has been an honour and great responsibility working with the DPJ on this project, and we would like to extend our thanks for being tasked with this very important piece of work.”

Roedd yr elusen wedi’i hymrwymo i sicrau bod y llyfrau ar gael yn Gymraeg a Saesneg, fel eu bod yn hygyrch i bawb, ac mae’r fersiynau Cymraeg yn nwylo’r argraffwyr ar hyn o bryd.

Mae Anwen Nicholls a Ken Rees o gwmni cyhoeddi Green Wellies yn falch eu bod wedi gweithio ar y llyfrau hyn. Dyma oedd ganddynt i’w ddweud:

“Rydym yn gobeithio y bydd y llyfrau’n cynnig rhywfaint o gymorth i deuluoedd pan y maen nhw’n wynebu tristwch, ac yn chwilio am luniau a geiriau sy’n helpu gwneud synnwyr mewn cyfnodau heriol yn eu bywydau. Mae wedi bod yn anrhydedd a chyfrifoldeb mawr i weithio gyda DPJ ar y prosiect hwn, ac hoffwn estyn ein diolch iddynt am gael y fraint o weithio ar y darn pwysig yma o waith”.

As the week commencing 10th-16th October was also ‘Ag Mental Health Week’, it’s an important opportunity for the charity to highlight the support available for mental health in agriculture, including around bereavement. Kate was keen to highlight that the books are just one aspect of the support available from the DPJ Foundation:

“We all cope differently with loss and for those that need a bit of extra help, we are here at the DPJ Foundation to listen and to support, including with counselling and other therapy. We have developed some information about the practical aspects of a death in agriculture and hope that this along with these books will help make things if not easier, then a little less hard. We also have developed free training for those in the community who want to support others with their bereavement.”

Gan fod wythnos y 10fed – 16eg o Hydref hefyd yn ‘Wythnos Iechyd Meddwl Amaeth’, mae’n gyfle pwysig i’r elusen i amlygu’r gefnogaeth sydd ar gael ar gyfer iechyd meddwl mewn amaeth, gan gynnwys profedigaeth. Roedd Kate yn awyddus i ddweud bod y llyfrau ond yn un agwedd o’r gefnogaeth sydd ar gael gan Sefydliad DPJ:

“Mae pawb yn ymdopi â cholled mewn gwahanol ffordd ac, i’r rhai hynny sydd angen ychydig mwy o help, rydym yma yn Sefydliad DPJ i wrando a chefnogi, gan gynnwys cynnig cwnsela a therapi arall. Rydym wedi datblygu peth gwybodaeth ynghylch yr agweddau ymarferol yn dilyn marwolaeth ym myd amaeth, ac yn mawr obeithio y bydd hyn, ynghyd â’r llyfrau, yn gwneud pethau’n ychydig llai anodd, os nad yn haws. Rydym hefyd wedi datblygu hyfforddiant am ddim i’r rhai hynny yn y gymuned sydd am gefnogi eraill sydd wedi dioddef profedigaeth”.

To find out more about The DPJ Foundation, their picture book launch and their services, make sure to follow them on social media. You can find them on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X, Snapchat and TikTok.

If you believe that individual children or families in your school would benefit from their own copy of a book, please contact the DPJ Foundation.

If you need mental health support, you can call them free on 0800 587 4262 or text them on 07860 048 799 (this number doesn’t accept calls).

I wybod mwy am waith Sefydliad DPJ, y lansiad o’i llyfrau lluniau a’n gwasanaethau, gwnewch yn siwr eich bod yn ein dilyn ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol yr wythnos hon. Gallwch ddod o hyd i ni ar Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X, Snapchat a TikTok.

Os ydych o’r farn y byddai plant neu deuluoedd unigol yn eich hysgol yn elwa ar dderbyn copi personol o lyfr, cysylltwch â Sefydliad DPJ os gwelwch yn dda.

Os oes angen arnoch gefnogaeth iechyd meddwl gallwch ein ffonio’n ddi-dâl ar 0800 587 4262 neu anfon neges testun ar 07860 048 799 (nid yw’r rhif hwn yn derbyn galwadau).

Tuesday, 10 October 2023

World Mental Health Day 2023 - mental health is a universal human right

What is World Mental Health Day?

The World Federation for Mental Health was founded in 1948 in the same era as the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO). This year, along with the NHS, it celebrates its 75th birthday.

1992 saw the first World Mental Health Day, so this year’s awareness day on 10 October is the 32nd, with a theme of “mental health is a universal human right.”

The WFMH asks us to: “Join us in this journey as we unite to raise awareness about the importance of mental health as an indispensable universal human right, with the vision of fostering a world that values and nurtures the well-being of all.”

Mental health is a universal human right

“Mental health must be squarely placed in a human rights framework to re-cast the aspiration for sound mental health as a fundamental human right. Ensuring access to mental health services must be an obligation and responsibility of state and global organisations which can no longer be ignored. Access to better living conditions, security, food, shelter and housing are all necessary for people's mental health. Mental health is a universal right to all citizens of the world and consistent with the 1948 founding principles of the World Federation for Mental Health.” Nassa Lozer, President, WFMH

Investment and transformation in mental health is needed to help stop the widespread human rights violations that people with mental health conditions continue to experience worldwide.

How rights to mental health can be respected

The World Federation for Mental Health believes that everyone, wherever they live, should receive appropriate and quality care if they are experiencing mental health distress (issues, problems, difficulties or struggles, call them what you will).

This includes the right to be protected from “known harms to mental health”, which would surely cover poverty, unemployment, lack of housing, adverse childhood experiences and any of the other social determinants of good mental health.

It also includes the right to freedom, “including the right of choice.”

More about human rights

1948 also saw the United Nations launch of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights aimed at all peoples and nations, setting out as it does fundamental human rights to be universally protected.

The United Nations is an international organisation made up of 193 member states:

“One place where the world's nations can gather together, discuss common problems and find shared solutions”.

What is rights-based support?

Three years ago there was an important report to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations on a topic high on everyone’s agenda:

“The right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.”

The focus of the report was to set a “rights-based” global agenda for advancing the right to mental health.

In this 2020 United Nations report to the Human Rights Council, the Special Rapporteur addresses the need for a global agenda for mental health that is human rights-based. (Special rapporteurs are independent human rights experts whose expertise is called upon by the United Nations to report or advise on human rights from a thematic or country-specific perspective). 

In this case the Special Rapporteur was Mr. Dainius Pūras from Lithuania,"a medical doctor and human rights advocate who has been actively involved during the last 30 years in the process of transforming public health policies and services, with special focus on the rights of children, persons with mental disabilities, and other groups in vulnerable situations.”

The report identifies that while many people understand their mental health challenges through a medical lens, many do not. It makes sense, then, that it is crucial to build space for “a diversity of creative approaches and experiences within and outside existing mental health systems.”

Some of the creative approaches which are referred to in the report include: “highly localised innovations in different resource settings around the world, such as Soteria House, Open Dialogue, peer-respite centres, medication-free wards, recovery communities and community development models”. Topics we have been covering on the Powys Mental Health blog for over 10 years now.

Examples from the blog:

Challenging the medical model of mental health distress

World Mental Health Day 2022 - make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority

As the report suggests: “A quiet revolution has been occurring in neighbourhoods and communities worldwide. At the root of these alternatives is a deep commitment to human rights, dignity and non-coercive practices, all of which remain an elusive challenge in traditional mental health systems too heavily reliant on a biomedical paradigm”.

The report suggests that rather than describing such approaches as “alternatives”, which means they are more likely to be ignored because they are outside the mainstream, that they are called “rights-based supports.”

Key principles of rights-based support

  • Dignity and autonomy.
  • Social inclusion.
  • Participation.
  • Equality and non-discrimination.
  • Diversity of care.
  • Underlying social and psychosocial determinants of mental health.
Reading the report it becomes clear that the responsibility for good mental health does not just lie with individuals and their health providers, but with policy-makers - governments and statutory authorities. And not just policy-making in relation to health but policies affecting all areas of our lives that have a massive impact on our health.

We need to promote healthy, resilient communities where everyone feels supported and able to live a good life, not just the few with the most wealth. And promotion can take place not just in health settings but in all areas of our day-to-day lives - workplaces, schools, homes and communities.

Action we can take

The report goes on to say:

“Movements of service users, of persons with psychosocial disabilities, of mad people, of people who hear voices, who are rights holders in all their diversity, must be at the forefront of efforts for rights-based change. Scaling up rights-based support within and outside existing mental health systems holds much promise for the changes that are needed.”

In one of 7 recommendations to member States the report recommends that they:

“Promote mental health by increasing financial support to sustainable, cross-cutting programmes that reduce poverty, inequalities, discrimination on all grounds and violence in all settings, so that the main determinants of mental health are effectively addressed.”

It all sounds very similar to the recommendations at the recent Bevan Commission conference which we attended: The Tipping Point - where next for health and care in Wales?

Steps in the right direction

I recently found out about the Welsh Health Equity Solutions platform. The platform has been designed as a resource to find data and solutions relating to health equity - “a gateway to data, evidence, health economics and modelling, policies, good practice, innovative tools and practical solutions to help improve population wellbeing and reduce the health equity gap in Wales and beyond.”

It is a partnership project of Public Health Wales, Welsh Government and the World Health Organisation. The platform is based around five essential conditions for healthy and prosperous lives for all. There are also opportunities for people to get involved in co-producing solutions, developing case studies and contributing to learning on solutions-focused action to reduce health inequities. It sounds like a really interesting initiative.

And finally

Alongside changes in policy and support, we need to look at how we provide care to people around their mental health. It’s not about asking what is “wrong” with someone, but what has “happened” to them. Until we reframe the questions, how can we start to work with someone to help find relevant solutions…?

What do you think about mental health as a universal human right? Let us know in the comments below.