Monday, 15 July 2019

Yoga classes for mental health inpatients in Powys

by Owen Griffkin, Facilitator Powys Patients' Council

“Yoga is physical health, mental calm, and interpersonal peace.” 
Roger Cole MD, Iyengar Yoga practitioner

One of the recurring issues brought up by people who attend the Powys Patients' Council meetings on the Felindre Ward (the acute mental health ward at Bronllys Hospital in South Powys) is that they wanted an activity that would help both their physical and mental health and wellbeing. 

Some people also specifically requested regular yoga sessions. With this in mind, the Patients’ Council looked for funding and a practitioner to provide this. We were lucky enough to discover a development fund set up by the Iyengar Yoga Association UK which would contribute towards yoga sessions for people who would not usually have the funds or ability to access yoga classes. We then found a local practitioner, Pete Norton of Wye Valley Yoga, who could apply to this fund as a qualified Iyengar Yoga teacher. The application was successful and the classes started in April.

So far the sessions have been a success, running every Monday in the recovery room on the ward. Pete said “Yoga is a mind-body practice which has the potential to improve someone's frame of mind. Whilst we are not explicitly teaching yoga as therapy, there is often a therapeutic benefit. This is because when we pay attention to the body and the breath in a mindful way, it helps with focus and concentration and to balance the body systems. Iyengar Yoga is particularly suitable for this kind of environment as we use props such as belts and chairs to ensure everyone can work towards a pose safely, no matter what their experience or ability level is.”

Feedback from participants

Some of the comments from people taking the classes have included:

‘‘Enjoyed the yoga session. It helps to focus your mind and forget about other stresses you may have."

"Absolutely brill!"

"Found the session very relaxing. It also eased tension throughout my body."

Teaching a class in a ward setting can be challenging. It’s not always easy for people to concentrate nor for them to be consistent, partly because some people do not have long stays on the ward. However, those that have experienced classes have really enjoyed them. Therefore, Patients’ Council’s next aim is to find further funding and a venue for yoga classes somewhere close to the hospital so that people can continue practicing yoga once they have left the ward. Pete is keen to continue working with people on a long term basis and a lot of people who have enjoyed the sessions want to take up classes to help with their long-term recovery. 

You can find out more about local Iyengar Yoga classes in South Powys here.

If you would like to know more about Powys Patients' Council then contact Owen Griffkin by emailing or ringing 01597 822191.

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