Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Mamwlad - reaching out to support Powys farmers

Photo by Joseph Reeder
It was November 2020 when we first heard about a brand new project called Mamwlad which had been set up in Powys to support farmers and was run jointly by two local organisations – Care and Repair Powys and Age Cymru Powys. Mamwlad means Homeland or Motherland in English.

At the time client data from both organisations had demonstrated a disproportionately low take up of their services by older farmers. The farming community are naturally independent and reluctant to seek out support, but as their needs change as they grow older their personal needs increase and both social and physical isolation makes matters worse. Jointly CRP and ACP planned to use their experience and knowledge of supporting older people to identify solutions to difficulties, working collaboratively with others in the wider agricultural community, public and voluntary sectors.

The Mamwlad project has worked hard over the last couple of years, despite the challenges of the Covid pandemic in the early days, to reach out to and support the older members of the farming community. Today we hear about a client from south Powys and how the project has supported her. Lesley Price, a caseworker with Care & Repair Powys working on the Mamwlad project, tells us more.

Photo by Helen Davies

Menna lives on a farm near Llanwrtyd Wells, a small market town in south west Powys. She was referred to Care & Repair via Bronglais Hospital in Aberystwyth after a stay there following a fall in which she unfortunately broke her hip.

The farmhouse where she lives had enough rooms to move her bed downstairs as she is unable to climb stairs (she is is hoping to get back to full fitness with the help of an exercise plan she received from the hospital).

A Health Occupational Therapist had made a referral to Minor Adaptations for a stair rail to be fitted.

One of the Mamwlad caseworkers arranged to visit Menna to carry out a Healthy Homes Check. Menna had a number of concerns about other areas in the house that may cause her problems, particularly as she had lost her confidence since her fall. The caseworker took the time to listen to Menna’s concerns and make suggestions for some further minor adaptations to reduce the risk of falls. The caseworker is a Trusted Assessor for Minor Adaptations and able to make direct referrals for works to be carried out.

During the Healthy Homes Check the Mamwlad caseworker discusses support options with the client, looking at isolation and loneliness that can have an impact on a person’s mental health. It may be appropriate to refer someone to project partners such as Age Cymru Powys for other services such as befriending or to explore benefit entitlement.

We also network with other organisations such as The DPJ Foundation, who specialise in mental health within the farming communities. From our evaluations the impact of introducing minor adaptations to a home on clients’ mental health is positive. They have increased confidence and independence leading to reduced anxiety and worry when they are receiving the support they need.

In this instance the two entrance doors to the house both had small steps, so the caseworker agreed that grab rails would reduce the risk of falls. The caseworker also identified small steps leading into the utility room and the hallway as potential trip hazards and agreed to fit grab rails in these areas.

The caseworker drew up a set of recommendations, which she forwarded to the Care & Repair Minor Adaptations Team. The work was carried out by an in-house Minor Adaptations Officer within 10 working days of the referral.

Menna is extremely pleased with the finished work and tells us that the rails have increased her confidence and independence. She has also had three more grab rails fitted in the bathroom to provide support when showering and using the bath.

Menna has since referred a family member, and a farming friend, to Care & Repair for support and advice on falls prevention and fire safety.

If you know anyone in the farming community who would benefit from similar support, then please get in touch with Care & Repair:

North Powys: Amy Peter, email: amy.peter@crpowys.co.uk

South Powys: Lesley Price, email: lesley.price@crpowys.co.uk

Or telephone the Care & Repair Office at the Newtown base: 01686 620760.

Names have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved.

The Mamwlad Project is funded by the Welsh Government. The two partners are:

Powys Care and Repair works to help keep their clients safe, warm and secure in their own homes. They run a variety of programmes including the Rapid Adaptations Programme for those 50+.

Age Cymru Powys provides essential support to people over 50 and their families in Powys. The organisation works to sustain and improve the quality of life of vulnerable older people in Powys. It believes that older people should be respected and valued as individuals in terms of their dignity, status, personal autonomy, diversity of needs, aspirations and expectations.

Thursday, 9 February 2023

Children's Mental Health Week 2023 - how to maintain good mental health in school

Children's Mental Health Week 2023, 6 - 12 February, is all about making a difference to the lives of children and young people across the UK. The awareness week is organised and promoted by the charity Place2Be. The theme this year is "Let's Connect." 

Today, as part of our week-long celebration of Children’s Mental Health Week, we are pleased to introduce a young guest author. Lucy is a member of the Junior Start Well Board* in Powys, and writes about her life as a high school pupil here in Mid Wales.

Maintaining good mental health may come as a struggle and is a constant balancing act. However, it does not always have to be a difficult and negative experience. 

As a teenager (I’m 15 years old) I can really appreciate how complicated our continuously changing lives are and living in the moment allows me to relate to and understand many problems teenagers are facing currently. Whether that would be post COVID struggles such as social anxiety and work overload, or simply exam stresses to friendship and relationship problems. 

All the listed above are completely understandable and relatable issues for many at the moment, and it would be inconsiderate not to address them. If you find yourself in any one of these situations where you’re not sure how to balance your head with your heart and maintain a sensible level of emotion, don't be afraid to reach out to others for help.

It is not often thought about, but we all have a mental health, and almost 100% of what we do will impact that mental health some way or another. Be it good or bad. This is where the balancing comes into practice. 

Changing lives and changing emotions, will mean a changing headspace. Here is what appears scary. Uncontrollable thoughts and feelings will arise, that will weigh you down like the devil and angel. None of which can be predicted. Way to dramatise, right? But that is how we feel. 

Finding ourselves can be a daunting experience; social image and acceptance are crucial in a young person’s life, however much they tell us that it doesn’t matter. Of course, it’s built into society, and no amount of preaching will fix that problem. On the one hand, having something to work toward, and maintain yourself for, is always an asset in life. On the other hand, don’t be fooled into a negative mindset of focusing on others’ opinions of you.

High school is like juggling balls of fire. You take your eye off the ball, and all hell breaks loose. Of course, in reality it’s not that deep, but try telling me that when friendships are broken, and secrets are spilled the day before I have an important exam. So how do we cope with stresses like this?

The simplest answer: Take a chill-pill. Sit down and just think. Remove any social device from your presence and commit to a full connection with your emotions. Ask yourself, how am I feeling? Why am I feeling this way? Is this a normal feeling? Or a new feeling? What is the best way to get rid of this feeling?

A feeling of overwhelm and confusion is best dealt with in a way which works for you. Be it, writing it down on a piece of paper – and burn it later if you want - (this works best for me), messaging a friend or family member to let out your emotions, and have a little rant, even recording a voice note and then deleting it after. Any way you can use to release your emotions is beneficial for your mental health. Even the smallest of things. Imagine wringing out a dirty wet sponge. All that weight and dirt and grime has built up until you can take no more. The only way is out.

All being said, the best way to aid a situation like this, is to avoid it all together. As I mentioned, High School is an unpredictable place, where we can be dragged into all sorts of issues that are beyond our control. But let’s back up and take a look at what is within our control.

Having a healthy work / life balance is wildly important for anyone, and in school it’s just the same. Attitude going into classes will determine how the teachers view you and your values. And remember; respect goes both ways. The best way to enjoy school is to be honest, open, and caring to all around you. That will make school life easier. In turn this should take stress off exams, as you will start to enjoy your classes. 

As for friendships and relationships, they will fluctuate with time, so don’t let that put you off. We can’t hold on to something that is not meant to be. And to be honest, try and avoid being petty. Life’s too short to hold a grudge.

The main person in control of your emotions is you. So do things that make you happy, have friends that make you happy, and go places that make you happy.

Having experienced many of the things above myself, I hope this advice will act as an understanding of what we go through as teenagers. From one to another.

*Junior Start Well Board is a group of young people aged 11 – 17 years of age who meet every month to talk about the issues affecting young people. The purpose of the group is to listen to the views and the opinions of their peers and provide a voice for young people in Powys, so that they can feedback and contribute to decisions that affect them. Based on these conversations, they ask to meet with the services in Powys who are best placed to listen and respond or look at setting up any new projects in response to need.

Photos from unSplash - Nick Fewings

Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Wythnos Iechyd Meddwl Plant - Gweithredu dros Blant | Children's Mental Health Week - Action for Children

Prosiect Bownsio’n Ôl - Gweithredu dros Blant
Bouncing Back project - Action for Children

gan | by Chris Dunne

Arweinydd Iechyd Meddwl Gweithredu dros Blant

Action for Children Mental Health Lead

Fel drigolyn balch Powys ac arweinydd iechyd meddwl Gweithredu dros Blant yng Nghymru, mae Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Iechyd Meddwl Plant (6 – 12 Chwefror), yn amser pwysig i asesu’r gwaith gwych sy’n digwydd ym Mhowys ac ar draws Cymru yn y maes iechyd meddwl plant. Er gwaethaf yr holl heriau sydd wedi'u dogfennu'n dda gyda CAMHS (Gwasanaeth Iechyd Meddwl Plant a'r Glasoed), mae lles meddyliol pobl ifanc yng Nghymru yn parhau i fod yn brif flaenoriaeth i lunwyr polisi ac elusennau fel ei’n gilydd.

As a proud Powys resident and mental health lead for Action for Children in Wales, Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week (6 – 12 February), is an important moment to assess the great work going on in Powys and across Wales in the field of children’s mental health. Despite all the well documented challenges with CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services), the mental wellbeing of our young people in Wales remains a top priority for policy makers and charities alike.

Mae rhaglen ymchwil ddiweddar a ariannwyd gan lywodraeth y DU wedi canfod bod chwarter merched a bron i un o bob 10 bachgen yn dangos arwyddion o iselder yn 14 oed, mae’r amodau hyn sy’n cyfyngu ar fywyd ac yn wanychol yn dod yn fwy a fwy cynhenid yn nhirwedd bywydau ein plant.

With a recent UK government funded research programme finding a quarter of girls and nearly one in 10 boys show signs of depression at the age of 14, these life-limiting and debilitating conditions are becoming more and more ingrained in the landscape of our children’s lives.

Mae rhaglen llythrennedd iechyd meddwl y Guide ym Mhowys a drost Cymru wedi bod yn rhan allweddol o’n dulliau iechyd meddwl. Roeddwn yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi’r dull arloesol hwn yn 2018. Wedi ei ddatblygu yng Nghanada, mae'r Guide wedi gael ei anelu at fyfyrwyr blwyddyn 9 ac mae'n darparu set gyflawn o adnoddau ar-lein sydd wedi ei phrofi i gynyddu dealltwriaeth o iechyd meddwl ac anhwylderau meddwl, i leihau stigma salwch meddwl ac yn cynyddu'r gallu i geisio cymorth, ymhlith myfyrwyr ac athrawon.

The Guide mental health literacy programme in Powys and across Wales has been a key component in our mental health approaches. I was very proud to launch this innovative approach in 2018. Developed in Canada, The Guide is aimed at year 9 students and provides a complete set of online resources proven to increase the understanding of mental health and mental disorders, decrease the stigma of mental illness and increase the ability to seek help, amongst students and teachers.

Welsh Rugby Union (WRU) prosiect | project

Mae’r cynllun wedi ei gydnabod a’i gefnogi ar lefel Llywodraeth Cymru ac roeddwn i wrth fy modd ein bod ni yn arwain y ffordd o ran gwella gwybodaeth ac ymwybyddiaeth iechyd meddwl myfyrwyr blwyddyn 9 pan fydd hyd oes diagnosis o anhwylderau iechyd meddwl yn dechrau cynyddu’n aruthrol. Yr allwedd yma yw addysgu llythrennedd iechyd meddwl i myfyrwyr a staff.

The scheme has been recognised and backed at Welsh Government level and I was thrilled we were leading the way in enhancing the mental health knowledge and awareness of year 9 students when the lifespan in which diagnoses of mental health disorders begins to increase dramatically. The key here is teaching mental health literacy to both students and staff.

Mae gwybod beth yw’r ffordd orau o gael a chynnal iechyd meddwl da, a beth i’w wneud os ydyn nhw, fel llawer o bobl, neu eu ffrindiau a’u teulu yn profi anawsterau, yn gadarnhaol nid yn unig am eu cyflawniad addysgol presennol ond hefyd am eu bywydau yn y dyfodol y tu hwnt i gatiau’r ysgol. Mae’r galw wedi bod yn uchel iawn am y gwasanaeth hwn, ac roeddem yn falch iawn o gymerud y gwasanaeth hwn, am ddim, ar-lein i weithwyr proffesiynol a chymunedau yn ystod, ac ers pandemig Covid a waethygodd yr heriau emosiynol ac iechyd meddwl i’n pobl ifanc.

Knowing how best to obtain and maintain good mental health and what to do if, like many people, they or their friends and family experience difficulties, is positive not just for their current educational achievement but also for their future lives beyond the school gates. Demand has been very high for this service, and we were very proud to take this service, free of charge, online for professionals and communities during and since the Covid pandemic that exacerbated the emotional and mental health challenges for our young people.

Hefyd ym Mhowys, mae ein gwasanaeth Anghenion Ychwanegol Cymunedol Powys ar gyfer plant gydag anableddau wedi bod yn gweithio gyda’r URC lleol i ddarparu sesiynau chwaraeon cynhwysol i bobl ifanc yn “Welshpool”, gyda grŵp ychwanegol wedi cychwyn yn y “Newtown” yn ddiweddar. Mae'n rhan o bartneriaeth gyffrous sy'n datblygu rhwng URC a Gweithredu dros Blant a fydd yn gweld llawer mwy o'n pobl ifanc yn elwa drost Cymru yn y blynyddoedd i ddod. Mae ymateb y bobl ifanc sy’n cymryd rhan wedi bod yn wych i’w weld ac mae bellach yn rhan werthfawr o’r wythnos wrth iddynt elwa’n fawr o ymarfer rhyngweithiol gyda’u ffrindiau.

Also in Powys, our Powys Community Additional Needs (PCAN) service for children with disabilities has been working with the local WRU to provide inclusive sports sessions for young people in Welshpool, with and additional group recently starting up in Newtown. It's part of an exciting developing partnership between WRU and Action for Children that will see many more of our young people benefit across Wales in coming years. The reaction of the young people taking part has been brilliant to see and it’s now a cherished part of the week as they benefit hugely from interactive exercise with their friends.

Felly, mae Gweithredu dros Blant yn darparu gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl arloesol yng Nghymru. Rydym hefyd yn darparu Rhaglen y “Blues” ar draws Cymru mewn ysgolion uwchradd gyda pobl ifanc yn eu harddegau sy’n dangos arwyddion cynnar o broblemau iechyd meddwl. Mae'r rhaglen wedi cael ei dderbyn yn dda iawn, ac mae'r galw gan ysgolion unwaith eto wedi bod yn uchel.

So, Action for Children really is at the vanguard of providing innovative mental health services in Wales. We are also delivering the Blues Programme across Wales in secondary schools with for teenagers who show early signs of mental health problems. The programme has been very well received and the demand from schools has again, been high.

Welsh Rugby Union (WRU) prosiect - Trallwng | project - Welshpool

Yn ogystal â llwyddiant y Blues, mae rhaglenni ‘On Target a Bouncing Back’ (Bownsio’n Ôl), sy’n cynnwys ymarfer corff yn y sesiynau dosbarth, wedi bod yr un mor boblogaidd ac effeithiol, maent yn dangos llwybr trwy gyfnod a gall fod yn heriol iawn. Mae cael ein pobl ifanc i deimlo’n gyfforddus i siarad am eu hemosiynau ac rhoi’r wybodaeth, y sgiliau a’r offer iddynt i ddeall a rheoli eu hemosiynau’n well yn hanfodol.

Such has been the success of the Blues, sister programmes On Target and Bouncing Back, that incorporate physical exercise into the classroom sessions, have proved equally popular and effective while showing a path through what can be very challenging times. Getting our young people to feel comfortable talking about their emotions and equipping them with the knowledge, skills and tools to better understand and manage their emotions is essential.

Mae'n bwysig dweud nad ydym byth yn anghofio rhieni a'r teulu ehangach yn Gweithredu dros Blant. Yng Nghymru, mae ein gwasanaeth Parent Talk Cymru yn drysorfa o adnoddau i rieni, ac iechyd meddwl a lles yw’r cynnwys mwyaf poblogaidd ar y wefan. Yn ogystal â’r deunydd cynhwysfawr ar y we, mae sgwrsio ar-lein un-i-un ar gael gyda hyfforddwr magu plant profiadol. Maent ar gael yn y Gymraeg ag yn Saesneg, mae’r gwasanaeth gwych hwn i gyd am ddim, ac nid oes unrhyw bwnc yn rhy fawr, rhy fach, nac yn gwilydd i’w drafod.

It's important to say we never forget parents and the wider family at Action for Children. In Wales, our Parent Talk Cymru service is a treasure trove of resources for parents, with mental health and wellbeing the most accessed content on the website. In addition to the comprehensive web material, there is a one-to-one online chatting facility available with an experienced parenting coach. Available in both Welsh and English, this brilliant service is all free, and no topic is too big, small, or embarrassing to broach.

Mae Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Iechyd Meddwl Plant yn llwyfan perffaith i danlinellu ein hymrwymiad i iechyd meddwl a lles ein plant, pobl ifanc a’u teuluoedd. Rydym benderfynol o ymgyrchu dros newid a gweithio gyda Llywodraeth Cymru i sicrhau canlyniadau gwell gan ein bod yn delio gyda materion cymhleth sy’n effeithio ar ein teuluoedd o ddydd i ddydd. Mae hwn yn waith eang a chynhwysfawr ac nid ydym byth yn sefyll yn llonydd.

Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week is the perfect platform to underline our commitment to the mental health and wellbeing of our children, young people and their families. We are driven by campaigning for change and working with Welsh Government to secure better outcomes as we are in the front line dealing with a range of complex issues affecting our families day in and day out. This is work is wide-ranging and comprehensive and we never stand still.

Tuesday, 7 February 2023

Children’s Mental Health Week 2023 – a young person’s view from Powys

Children's Mental Health Week 2023, 6 - 12 February, is all about making a difference to the lives of children and young people across the UK. The awareness week is organised and promoted by the charity Place2Be. The theme this year is "Let's Connect." 

as part of our week-long celebration of Children’s Mental Health Week, we are pleased to introduce a young guest author. Ffion is a member of the Junior Start Well Board* in Powys, and writes about her life as a young person here in Mid Wales.

Life is a cage, which constantly suffocates me. The labels have become a cage - student, carer, daughter, sister, anxiety, traumatised, sad, lonely, different. But when I read I am transported, it's like the key to my cage. I feel free. It’s my lifeline, I relate to aspects of characters and their stories so, if even for a moment, I feel less alone. Less Different. I feel valid.

“I have a theory that selflessness and bravery aren’t all that different.” 
Veronica Roth, Divergent. 

This empowers me. It reassures me that even if I’m not the bravest, I am scared of spiders and I am too scared to stand up for myself, I have to be selfless because of being a Carer. Despite never being put first or me putting myself first, it gives my life meaning and purpose. I feel less alone, more normal. I feel kind, empathetic and selfless - which makes me brave. Less alone. I feel invincible.

“As long as you can find yourself, you’ll never starve.” 
Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games. 

This resonated with me the first time I read it. Then the second. Third. Fourth. And countless other times. Life is miserable. It's a fact of life I have experienced more than some. But in life, there's beauty in doing what you love, and in finding what you love you can find yourself. Being yourself is one of the greatest joys in life, and it gives me joy. It’s how I’ve tried to live my life for the past three years while picking my GCSEs, A Levels and I hope while going to university. It makes me feel mature. Less inferior. I feel wise.

“I told you to hide your heart once. You should have listened.”
Victoria Aveyard, Red Queen.

I've been hurt. More times than I can count. And every time a similar thought goes through my head. Then, I think back to this book and how when Mare opens up her heart to others, she finds her power. That's why I will never stop. I will cry with others, I will love others, and I will trust others with my heart. Closing off my heart would make me cold, unfeeling and I can't imagine life that way. Part of who I am is my empathy, my kindness and my generosity. By reaching out to those around me, I have stronger relationships, and I feel less lonely. I feel loved.

“It’s always the fear of looking stupid that stops you from being awesome.” 
Kiera Cass, The Selection. 

Part of my anxiety is the constant fear of everything going wrong around people and being laughed at and mocked. I lacked confidence. In high school, it meant that I feared a misstep so I stayed quiet, and didn’t speak out. I felt oppressed by my anxiety and lack of confidence. But when I went into sixth form, instead of a year group of 140 people, it was 20. And the smaller group meant that I became less scared. I gradually built up my confidence and I applied for head girl. In high school, I would never have dreamed of doing anything like that out of fear of failure. But failure is how you grow and learn. I learned to face my fear so I feel less afraid. I feel confident.

The connections I feel to these books, these characters, these storylines have helped me grow as a person. I’ve learned to respect my differences, and they are actually what makes me stronger. I've learned that fear is a tool, and using it will open doors and help me get places. I’ve learned that empathy and kindness isn't a weakness, you have to lose some things to help you find better ones. Life is a cage, which constantly suffocates me. My key was reading, it has helped me deal with the pressure and changed my life for the better.

*Junior Start Well Board is a group of young people aged 11 – 17 years of age who meet every month to talk about the issues affecting young people. The purpose of the group is to listen to the views and the opinions of their peers and provide a voice for young people in Powys, so that they can feedback and contribute to decisions that affect them. Based on these conversations, they ask to meet with the services in Powys who are best placed to listen and respond or look at setting up any new projects in response to need.

If you would like more information on how to join please contact sharon.titley@powys.gov.uk

Reading Well for teens suggests recommended reading and digital resources to help you understand your feelings and boost your confidence.

Photos from unSplash - Anna Meshkov, Gaelle Marcel, Kimberley Farmer, 
Sincerely Media & Olga Tutunaru.